May 22, 2007 13:41
What the hell so as some of you may know I have this itsy bitsy thing about snoring well I went to the doctor about my sleep apnea and last Friday I stayed at the clinic over night so they can run test. And low and behold. They said I barely made a peep! Me I mean me, why children run to there parents in fright when I snore, small animals die.
And they say I made not a peep. Well with that said, and a doctor said I don’t snore then all you’s out there who say I snore must be having some kind of mass hallucination. Because if a doc says I don’t snore then it must be true. (sits with a look of an angle) so that said I can say happily and with confidence, I don’t snore :).....don't look at me that way thet doc would not lie!!!!!