(no subject)

Mar 22, 2004 11:45

My icon makes me smile. Not only am I a whore for Edward Gorey, but this picture reminds me of how I feel as a teacher.

Especially today.

My little wayward angels are acting... well, wayward and darkly angelic (lest we not forget, Satan is meerly a fallen angel...) I keep forgetting they're immature (not as a slam, as a biological fact) and they're one, maybe two steps past being a "child." I expect them to be adults, and they can't be. And then no one is happy.

My Praxis is fastly approaching. I am moderately worried about the multiple choice part, being I have no base in literature, but the essay part I know I'm fine in. I test April 17, which WAS the day I was returning from Le Fucking Long Roadtrip, but we're cutting it short so I cna get back before then. (I wasn't actually supposed to have to test, but TFA-which stands for totally fucking absentminded--dropped the ball and gave us all the wrong dates to test on.)

As it is, the new agenda looks like I fly to Portland on April 7, catching a 3 hour layover and lunch with my parents in Phoenix before Oregon. After hitting the big O(R), Rachel picks me up and gives me a crash course driving lesson on her manual as we head to the stompin' land of Milton-Freewater. Two days of family-lovin' and we leave, head to Idaho and then to Park City, Utah. Sleeping in UT, a fast exodus to AZ and we're in the Valley for that Sat. night and Easter Sunday. We head out Monday morning for Flagstaff to catch I-40 (note the change, if you're one of the people who was interested in meeting up for breakfast/coffee), and we'll be in NM that night. After that, it's Oak city, Memphis, Asheville and depending on how we feel, we may drive on from Asheville to Home in the same night. We'll see.

I'm excited for the road trip; not the driving, but the experience. I did I-40 two years ago, with the folks, but it will be different, traveling with the best friend/lover. One of my favorite things about Rachel is her sense of adventure. Once she's here, we've got pipedreams of the coast, a few kayaking and canoe trips, women's week in Key West, fall in New England, skiing... I am thrilled to finally have someone in my life who is interested and dedicated to experiencing new things, scary things, life altering things...

I also need to start looking to coordinate the move from Single Grrrl's Apartment to The Estrogen Hut. Rachel and I will probably move in the end of April/May, and Jen will show up at the end of the school year. I'm very excited for this move, although (uhg) it means moving again. Sadly, I've learned how to do it "right," so stay turned for the "Movers and Shakers Par-TEE" coming up.

Damnit. I need to teach. Grrr. Be right back.
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