Marriage KIT (Keeping In Touch) - Volume 05 - Sep 2004

Sep 07, 2007 13:03

Marriage KIT (Keeping In Touch)
Volume 05 - Sep 2004

Marriage Covenant
A Problem or The Solution?

Earlier this year the Center for AZ Policy offered a convenient way for those interested in converting their marriage license from any state to an Arizona Covenant Marriage, and several of our friends joined in making the move in support of turning around divorce here in our state.   As the months have passed since we took that step on Valentine's Day, the word covenant and the concept behind it has popped up in print again and again, until it finally hit home in an editorial by Andree Seu in World Magazine, just in time for the September Marriage KIT.

Andree titled her editorial: Nothing More than Feelings ?  Feelings are fickle and fleeting, but Covenant is faithful and lasting.

We applaud her effort, for the concept of covenant is defined by God.  Twenty-three times in Genesis alone, God shows His plan and purpose in covenants.  Those promises are still valid today, and are at the root of God's view of vows.  Since the word appears in the Bible 295 (NASB) times, it certainly appears that 'covenant' is a concept for us to take seriously.

Against God's word, a covenant as defined by Webster (1966 Standard Desk Version) is "an agreement entered into by two or more persons or parties."   What Webster misses is that as defined by God - it is a contract or agreement entered into that will NEVER be broken.   In the 21st Century it would seem that contracts are meant to be broken, and marriage is among the leading contract - being broken.   It must grieve the heart of our Creator greatly, and make so many husbands and wives miss the deepest satisfactions available only in the marriage relationship.

What does that mean to us as married folks in American Churches today? Are we to help our throw away society, or grab hold of His truths and work hard at making marriages that send a message of hope to the world around us?   We can be a part of the problem, or taking seriously God's concept of covenant can be the useful solution to our own wandering hearts, and send a message of hope to our children, family, friends and community.

Much of the litigation today stems from a change of "feelings", and let's face it, our society has taught for years to do what feels good at the moment.  If however we turn to God's word and look at Job (Job 31:1) who made a covenant with his eyes not to let his eyes wander, or the admonition in 1 Tim 1:1 to look on others as fathers, mothers, sisters and brothers when the temptations come, we can indeed flee and be safe.  Temptations will come to us, perhaps as they did to Joseph in Gen 39:10-12 but we can let God keep our affections from wandering and can draw strength from Him and His Word to choose right things and remember that our marriage covenant is "God Intended" to last the test of time.

If you would like to take a stand for marriage and make a statement before your community, converting your marriage to a Covenant Marriage is quite simple.  It can be done at the  Scottsdale Justice Center 8230 E. Butherus Drive, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251 - 8 to 4 pm daily.  Call for details:  480 443 6600.

You'll be asked to sign a statement similar to one below taken from the Covenant Marriage License application for those couples planning to wed here in AZ.

A Covenant Marriage
We solemnly declare that marriage is a covenant between a man and a woman who agree to live together as husband and wife for as long as they both live. We have chosen each other carefully and have received premarital counseling on the nature, purposes and responsibilities of marriage. We understand that a covenant marriage is for life.

If we experience marital difficulties, we commit ourselves to take all reasonable efforts to preserve our marriage, including marital counseling. With full knowledge of what this commitment means, we do declare that our marriage will be bound by Arizona law on covenant marriages and we promise to love, honor and care for one another as husband and wife for the rest of our lives.

May your marriage be filled with His abundance and joy,

commitment, marriage, love

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