HAPPY 26th!!!

Jun 09, 2011 03:50

Happy 26th Birthday!!!
It's this time of the year again! Happy Birthday to me and my beloved twin.<3<3<3

Same with last time, I thought I would end up drawing a birthday special with Sengoku Basara charas on it. *cough*Oyakata-sama<3*cough* But stuff happened and new inspiration saved the day.^^;; There wasn't enough disturbing elements for SB.TAT

I don't find the drawing too embarassing--
Though I was cringing every now and then while sketching IT.
Oooh, it's -sort of- WORKSAFE...???

Clicky without the greeting!

After a few more hours of brainstorming, and Yo-tan giving random ideas, I came up with this.XD
It was fun drawing Bunny's Hero suit.<3

I drew this and then Yo-tan colored it!XD<3 *squee* Collabs.<3<3<3

Hopefully drawing inspiration continues!XDXDXD
Aaand, no, I am not giving up on Sengoku Basara yet.x_x Argh, I need to draw them again.
Why does this always happen when I get inspiration changes!? It's so sad.TAT

sketchies, birthday

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