Searching for Memories and History...

Jun 09, 2009 15:13

I was searching around my old stuff... Been feeling guilty cause I forgot an original characters name and all.x_x;;

Look at that bunch of DRAWN PAPER.XD And guess what? I'm still missing a few.>.>;; (Wow, I actually found a lot of Yu Gi Oh! drawings...)

Anyways, after finding that OC's name (I am really sorry about that, Mahve Timorose). I still need to search my stuff once I get back home... But maybe next time, cause I think I will sleep once I get back home.e_e

BTW, I think Hetalia just jogged my drawing inspiration.XD (Watching and reading the anime and manga Hetalia, then playing Gyakuten Kenji and KH 385/2 days on the side)

These were the only ones I was able to scan.>.>;; I got a few more with Germany and Italy since they're the ones I could only draw so far.XD I'll be studying SpainXRomano and maybe Prussia(+HungaryXAustria) on the side. Don't expect AmericaXEngland... I'm still not attached to the pairing.>.>;; Well, they're obvious, I know I could pair them, but...

Also... I don't see Japan as UKE. He is definitely a SEME.XD

After reading Buon San Valentino comic (and crying over that Chibitalia flashback) I just got to draw something with Holy Roman Empire.*o*<3<3<3

More Holy Roman Empire and Chibitalia...?^^;;

Yeah... I think I might draw some decent stuff again... Thank you, Hetalia... (Also got desperate cause of the lack of GermanyXItaly. Onto jp fics!x_x;;)
Thanks for looking.<3<3<3

BTW, will be double-posting for OUR Birthday SPECIAL.<3<3<3

hetalia, sketchies

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