Raven is the luckiest Tales perv!<3

Aug 19, 2008 07:54

http://tov.namco-ch.net/top.html The icons I'm talking about from my icon post is in the ToV site. Go to Special then Downloads.>D

So I just watched random videos.>.>;; Can anybody spoiled in ToV link me to ANYTHING with Flynn in it?x_x;; I'm ranting Raven here.XD

So there's a Spa Event.>.>;; You can actually kinda see a bit of Raven's Blastia(?) if you look hard enough.XD I wanna draw him topless cause of that THING! Uhhh... There's a scene where Karol kinda nearlly kissed Raven. Me and Yo-tan were both O_O.

Also... Yes, Raven's the luckiest Tales pervert.
I do see Judith like ToI's Ange. Just more bitchy and all.XD

Which leads us to Raven peeking on the girls with KAROL. (Yuri was seriously NOT interested, lulz) They didn't show, but... Judith mentions that she's coming in the spa/hot spring WITHOUT wearing a towel.o_o;;

Once the girls were out, Karol and Raven comes in too. Karol says Raven's not feeling well... Judith approaches Raven and asks if he's alright and Raven simply fainted.XD
(Me and Yo-tan just had to rewind that scene!!!<3<3<3)

Yes, Raven saw it all and couldn't take it.>.>;;

Did some sketchies in the office. It's so boring, I just had to do something so I wouldn't fall asleep.o_o;; Taken with a camera phone.XD Big and crappy pics. Ahehehe...

Schwann and Flynn.>.>;;

And them again.XD (plus, I tried to draw a chibi Estelle.<3)

OMG. Once Flynn gets his own manga (yes, he does get his own manga) I hope Schwann appears.*o*<3<3<3 Bananamco, please don't fail me now!<3<3<3

Oh yeah, ANY pairing with Raven in it is Necrophilia. Hasn't anybody thought of that?XD

Thanks for looking~!<3<3<3

Uke!Raven. Hah, I knew I know this site.XD<3<3<3
It's the uke!Van-sensei site.>.>;;
WAAAI!!! There's AlexeiXSchwann!!!XDXDXD

I'm kinda angsting below.>.>;; Just ignore me there. I just wanted to let it out. I felt really bad...


Lulz. Me so dead to our cousins. Tales series over FF???

OK, so something went wrong with our cousins memory card.>.>;; The compy says it's NOT FORMATTED. There goes all my cousins games and their save files.. and there goes our FFT game!D8

What happened? We tried to put in ToW:RM.>.>;; Then all hell breaks loose. Techie gadgets really hate me.T_T
Thank god the Memory card wasn't broken, the ToW:RM is there and also flOw...

But their games are lost... I don't know how I could apologize to our cousins.T_T

tales of vesperia, sketchies

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