Been drawing lots... I think...

Feb 10, 2008 16:18

I found a few more RMX sites! They're not found in the Rockman Search Engine and you can just find them by links of other RMX sites.x_x;; WTH. Uhhh... the Maid!Vava is stolen from somewhere-- I can't remember what site, but I'll try searching for it cause I wanna know WHO started the Maid!Vava.
OMG. I'm so in love~<3 Maids aren't even my kink!

I bring 4 arts today! 2 Persona3/TrinitySoul and 2 RMX!
The RMX ones are 100% helmet-less, cause I'm too lazy and just wanna draw them again.ID

Let's starts with the Persona ones.8D

Persona~Trinity Soul
Ryou Kanzato and... maybe the mystery man on the phone?XD


Ryou meeting with the mystery man on the phone!?XD
Shinji is NOT happy if someone calls Akihiko as Aki.

Hey, the man on the phone is still not named and hasn't appeared yet.
So I'm just making stuff up.=p
But I'm 100% sure it's A*KI*HI*KO~!<3<3<3

RMX Stuff next! They're really... random.>.>;;

Zero and X <3 for kasumi_blue~!
My X sometimes wears glasses, ahehehe.>.>;;

If my inspiration won't crash into a slump, I might TRY drawing them in armor,
but for now... let them look human.x_x;;

Remembering Fujiryou Nozomu's Helmet-less Vava.
She's my japanese RMX fan friend who had a site years back.^^;;
Dunno where she is now sadly...
*checks date* Year 2002...o_o;;

To P3 players,please don't mistake him as Ken Amada.^^;;

Helmet-less Vava maid!!!<3 (click for sketch version)
(Vava-ding if you read the last part as bading,
it means GAY in tagalog, my home language. Hehe)

Gate's 2nd form art from Fujiryou-sama when I got the 1000th hit in her site.XD
I was obviously too amused with Gate's 2nd form at that time.<3

Thanks for taking your time to look!
I hope everyone enjoyed that.XD

No deliveries on weekends.x_x;; Still waiting for fate_repeated's package. I hope it finds its way here soon cause I wanna get my Midorikawa-high!XD Ah, and an art from Ashi as well~!*o*<3 My first ever gift art overseas! Hehehe.<3
Argh. I hope it won't take a month.x_x;;

rockman x, persona3, sketchies

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