Back in Malabon to check the guy my HS friend was talking about.>.>;;
We went in this really old run down house and inside was a young man sketching cartoon stuff (you know, Tom and Jerry and the likes?). OMG! It's seriously cartooning.D8 I need training before I get hired and I don't think I could make it even if they're just... cartoons.XD
You seriously won't expect a cartoonist there.O_O
Got some free mini instruction manual and some paper he uses for drawing...
It's so cool and weird at the same time.XD He wasn't even satisfied with the arts I've shown him!O_O;; What the...
I gave him my cel number in case there's an announcement about training.XD;;
(Still in my classmates house. Just showed off a few arts online. Will be going soon and meet up with