ARGH!!! I forgot to put my new Guy icon.T_T
pictoalchemist and
foxalollita just began playing their 2nd playthrough in ToR.8D;; But before that-- like the past Tales, we listened to the Voice Test...
Tytree had this victory line where he says, "Choroize!" (translated as "Easy!" or "You're Weak!") which we usually add ToA Guy's "Amaize!" and Jade's "ChoroAma desune". We were surprised when we heard that Mao and Annie said those in the voice tst.o_o;;
So the original people who said the ChoroAma Skit was Tytree, Mao and Annie.Xp And I thought it was a ToA original! Hahaha.XD
I haven't been coloring for awhile and it seems I've completely forgotten how to color!D8 WTH!? Anwyays, tried a different coloring style, it's VERY SLOW but it came out better than my last coloring style... not really sure though.Xp
I don't think Annie saying, "You're Whack!" fits her though...o_o;;
Pssst, lemme tell everyone a secret, Annie has a crush on Guy!!! I've been seeing a few AnnieXGuy fanarts. I wonder why?o_O;;
And an omake, since Jade needs to be there~!
So that means Jade could wear the really sexy Annie costume if it had pockets?>D
Will keep on nagging
pictoalchemist to make the ChoroAma~Jade~ one.>.>;; If she doesn't draw it, I'll do it.8D;;
Tales Gaming Rants~!
I need ToS OVAs in *.avi format so we could watch it in our home compy.ToT Our compy is only running in Windows 98 and I don't think it can handle any new programs.DX
Random Tales POssible SPOILERS!!!
Played PS2 ToS. Cursed the missing Gnomelette when I was looking for the Devil Arms, cursed the bastard who made us spend 250 chips at the casino for the Devil Arms, cursed Abyssion cause he was such a bastard to kill.
foxalollita played as my beloved gorgeous Refill just to heal everyone (I play as Kratos, of course).XD Beat him after trying over and over 10+ more times.
I had to throw away the Niflheim guide I got from gamefaqs cause it was completely useless (uhmm, it was a BIT helpful) for the PS2 ToS!!! It was a LOT more different in the PS2 Symphonia.x_x;;
After the 5th floor there was a boss then after the 10th Mithos' lackeys were there!O_O;; ARGH! It's so different, I wasn't expecting THAT.x_x;; We game overed when we were fighting the 3.T_T;;
Need to level more...
Played some ToD2 today. And I ended up missing Lion Magnus of ToD.T_T
Random. I just read a really old AschXGuyXAsch jp comic I got a year ago. Couldn't understand it much back then, but I know it was sad. When I read it again yesterday-- I cried cause I understood the whole thing...T_T;;
Obligatory Tales sketch post:
I seriously mean TALES art post, since my inspiration has been swinging from one fandom to another. And I badly want Tales of Destiny~Director's Cut as a Christmas and New Year present.T_T Even a pirated one would be nice...
2 ToR and 1 Tales of GAYS. Hahaha.XD
ToR's Tytree, Mao and Annie. I was practicing on drawing them.8D;;
I obviously got lazy when I was already drawing Mao and Annie.>.>;;
I love Tytree!<3
ToP, ToD, ToE, ToD2, ToS, ToR, ToL and ToA.
These are the GAY characters I loved in their respective Tales.^^;;
Next thing you'll know I'll be drawing them and their respective seme's.>.>;;
Just got a text from Kimi saying that she got ToW~Radiant Mythology.T_T
kimivalkyrie, when can we sleep over again at your place?8D Hahaha. *gets shot* Sorry I couldn't reply, everyone at home was out of load.XD
Will be visiting the 'person' who works in the art something to get tips for my possible work!!! I need all the luck I can get here, cause I seriously have NO idea on what to do.x_x;; I am so nervous...