I WANT Tales of Legendia MANGA!!!DX

Aug 04, 2007 11:03

Okay, so I was reading the Guy mini Anthology and read that Ayumi Fujimura-sensei draws the official Tales of Legendia manga... WHAT!?!?!?

I looked around for the covers and surely enough-- yes, she did the artist of the ToL manga.ToT I wanna see scans~! I've been her fan ever since she began drawing Tales of Eternia!!!ToT Yeah, that's been years ago...>.>;;

ToA JP - Guy and Luke's at lvl 71, Guy's got his Shakunage and we're just gonna battle the boss in Absorb Gate.8D;; Uhmmm... And everyone at home can't stop making pedo jokes about Van and the piano/organ.

Van: Do you want to sit on my lap-- err-- I mean play the piano?>=D
Luke: Yes sir!
Van: Ok, sit on my lap.
Luke: OK!8D

Blame pic_kuroi_aka for that.>.>;; There's another version with the 'Pony' ('do you want to ride the pony?>=D') but nevermind that.^^;;

ToA US - Lvl 22, just got to Baticul.8D Hahaha.

pictoalchemist's FMA2:Curse of the Crimson Elixir's Game ending just made me and foxalollita cry.ToT It was so nice cause there were no mary-sues-- and the story was so nice and simple.=X

foxalollita's JP Disgaea 2-- I'm still translating ANY line I could understand for them.XD Oh Lorelei, I LOVE the Prism Rangers! (My fave is Prism Purple... Don't ask)

It might take another week until I get online.8D I'm hoping to get to upload arts by then. Ah and any ToA doujinshi scans please?^^;; I need more inspiration. Ahehehe... I seriously miss everyone now.ToT And I can't even text Kimi that much cause it costs a lot (on her side that is).=O

So did anybody miss me?^^;; Ahehehe...
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