Wow, I wasn't expecting to be away for a long time.x_x;; I'm just out cause I need to do the groceries.^^;;;; Anybody missed me?
(ALL pics were taken using a camera phone so they're crappy.)
First off, random ToA in-game stuff I took...^^;;
ToA SPOILERS ahead and stupid AschXGuy-ness under the cut!!!
The first time Guy called Jade as Danna (Master?) in the jp game.XD
I still don't know how to translate danna in english cause it'll sound wrong...
Asch's % was already up by 12%, but after a few more batles after he left and in my current game he's down to 11%, then Guy's % is already 90% which is higher than Luke's which is... 88%.^^;;
I love the jp version and how you can change name of the strategy.<3
Ahahaha.XD If only I could make a clearer shot of this.<3
After Asch left and Luke cuts his hair...
I looked at my shortcut and Asch's spells are still there!
And yes, I used to order Asch around cause of his spells'
FOF change.XD
We just got Natalia back (Daath) and the gang still doesn't know about Guy's past...
I'm not sure if this is already spoilers (for Luke's gang).>.>;;
I need to watch out for this in the english when getting Guy's 'Sigmund Strategist' title.
Anyways, about this pic--
Guy mentions 'House Gaillardia' instead of 'House Gardios'. WTF!?XD
I've seen a lot of Gaillardia and Gardios errors in a lot of official jp ToA stuff!
Is Guy's real name and family name THAT confusing!?Xp
I just realized my game is spoiling me with things TOO EARLY!XD Most are about Guy...>.>;;
I'm just at Keterburg, and I got the 'Guy, the Chosen Man' skit!>.>;;
And Anise mentions there 'Count Gaillardia'... Uhmm... I haven't been to Grand Chokmah yet? Isn't that a heavy spoiler if I wasn't spoiled yet?XD
WTF is this game!?XD They should've put other pre-requisites (like certain events) to trigger the skits instead of just the cooking mastery. I'll check up on this in the US version and I hope they were able to fix this.=X
Off to Theor Forest and the Cursed Slut~! Hehehe.8D;;;
Beloved Kimi-ouji-sama~!<3
kimivalkyrie came over last Saturday.ID She forgot to bring the cookies she made to bribe
pic_kuroi_aka too, hahaha.XD
We were all *o* when she showed us the original ToF2 game she got and she gave me my copy of the US ToA and ToF2 (which takes about 15 minutes to make the game work).XD;; Then she gave me this package... inside was a plastic folder all wrapped up in that hard to open packaging tape...o_o when I opened it-- and as soon as I saw what's inside, I just had to cry and embrace Kimi.<3 I seriously wasn't expecting to get such a doujin... And yes, I was a bit angry cause she bought something expensive off of Y!japan. Still... *huggles tight* as she expected, I cried, got angry and happy.
Played more PS2 with her.XD She showed me how Mushroom Road looks like in the overworld-- damn it looks nice (AschXGuy~ID)!*o* Then I showed her the jp events before the first battle with Kaizer Dist.=3 So she got to hear how GAY Dist is.XD<3
OK, more pics (doujinshis!).8D I obviously haven't drawn much lately...>.>;;
Hey, I DRAW while playing ToA!XD
Ahehe, I'm so sorry I couldn't scan any of them...-_-;;
The LGAG Anthology was a gift from
then the AschXGuy Anthology was from
LGAG Anthology wins for the first manga.XD
Asch in a buusagi(rappig) costume!!!<3<3<3
(He says it's for camouflage) the redheads here fight over Guy.
Most of the AschXGuy centrics in this Anthology are kinda angsty and simply goes around a certain theme... Apology.
Never judge a manga by it's art, this is one of my faves.X3
And more redheads fighting over Guy.8D
Guy chose Luke sadly and Asch ends up growing mushrooms...
And Jade gives one to buusagi!Saphir.^^;;
You can count how many Saphir's, Jade's, Synch's, Arietta's and buusagi's would appear here.XD
It was cool.<3
Weirdly drawn Jade.XD
It's my siblings' favorite picture of Jade in the LGAG Anthology.
Last manga.8D AschXGuy, but the last page omake was LukeXGuy.x3
kasumi_blue* Thank you so much for the gift.*o*<3
Then... the AschXGuy Anthology.8D
It's an AschXGuy parallel book where they're married!XD<3
I'm a sucker for parallels so... yeah...
The cover art might be familiar, the artist has been my most fave AschXGuy artist eversince I began to like ToA and nearlly ALL her doujins are really expensive in Y!japan auctions.>.>;; Kimi won't tell me how much she got it, I still worry a bit if she spent too much for this.^^;;
I've been in and out of this artist's, Ponzu's, site and never knew she was into yaoi and AschXGuy!*o* Nearlly all of her works are uke!Guy het!XD
Oh yeah, the paper is so PINK!!!XD
(The Anthology's title is 'Blue Sky Holiday'.XD)
And my comments about the story might not make any sense.>.>;;
Ailla and Ardia.8D
The AschXGuy couples' beloved pet cats, which they treat as their children.
The both have odd eyes one eye is blue then the other is green.XD
(My AschXGuy couple had twins, btw.>.>;;)
Since most stories are parallel, there's a chara list.8D
Some chara profiles are--
Van is the Master of a Sword Mastery School.XD Mary is a priestess and Van is her fiance. Jade is the couples' doctor and Natalia works part-time under him-- and Peony hit on her (I just noticed PeonyXNatalia is always the pair when it's AschXGuy).XD Ion is the president of the Oracle Company where Asch works...
Van tries to convince his students to join him in changing the world--
Weird crappy evil plans, really--
Anwyays, Guy beats poor Vandesdelca up for that.^^;;
Tear in a kimono.ID;;
Van couldn't fight back when it's Mary, he's so scared of her!XD
Tear gives the AschXGuy couple some sake for their early christmas celebration.
(the anthology was made Dec. 29, btw) And Guy gets drunk with just one sip and now he sees any red object as Asch.XD
The heart chaped pillow... the curtain... and the red table they're in.XD
And guys starts kissing them all, yes, even the real Asch.XD
In case anyone wants a better looking art...8D
Asch can't help but think of Guy while working (cause the fought last night) and he ends up head-butting the compy screen... You can actually see pieces of glass stuck on Asch's forehead.x_x;; Ouch.
Why did the couple began to fight?
Guy wanted to adopt Luke as their child but Asch doesn't wanna of course.XD
When Asch got home...
That's probably the creepiest cakes I've ever seen.XD
Asch really got Guy angry!>.>;;
(Yeah, he ate that and got sick...)
Van comes over to tease Asch some more.
Cause Guy mentions awhile back when they were fighting
'Will it be alright if Luke is mine and Van's child!?'
Asch made a desicion to look for Luke and adopt him in the end-- but...
Through their link, Asch wanted Luke to run away to a far place or else
if they get to adopt him he'll kill him.^^;;
there were a few novels, and was surprised that Saki, the novelist of the circle Alstroemeria, was here! And in the end of the novel--
her partner gets to draw something as well.XD
(Asch is so tall...<3)
ANY JadeXGuy fan would recognize this art!XD
Neutral is a circle that draws mostly (Peony+)JadeXGuy and
I seriously didn't expect her here!XD
There's also an under page--
so the following 2 pics are NOT-WORKSAFE!!!
Balalaika circle.8D Uke!Guy.<3<3<3
AschXGuy love... cuteness?XD
The last pages were the participating circles' comments.8D
I read the doujinshis over and over again and I get reactions from my sibs--
'You're reading that again?' and they can't help but notice that
I'm always grinning from ear to ear while reading.XD
*huggles Kimi* Thank you dearest...ToT<3
I've been playing ToF2, mostly Donjara.>.>;; Sadly, there's no pairing of AschXGuy, VanXGuy or DistXGuy.DX There's JadeXGuy and PeonyXGuy tho.Xp
And I told you guys~! ZelosXKratos is a very possible pairing~!XDXDXD
OK, I think I'm done ranting now.=X
I might post more crappy game pics next time again--
and hopefully some art.^^;;
Oh yeah, I'm playing ToF2, jp and US ToA.8D