I've been sketching around.8D

Jun 27, 2007 09:28

Yeah, and I obviously still haven't started making gift pics cause I'm still raising my drawing inspiration... Well, it seems it's doing ok so I guess I'll start soon.=3 Argh, I hate myself for being so lazy when it comes to drawing as well.Xp Sorry.

Let me blow some brains for awhile.8D I don't know if I should f-lock this post or what because of the contents... Hmmm...

It's NOT WORKSAFE. It's not THAT much pr0n. It's just the thought that's evil, pr0n and disturbing?>.>;; Oh yeah, SPOILERS might be found as well.
It's a really short fic, they're just talking cause I'm too lazy to add descriptions of what's happening-- then 2 sketches under the cut as well.^^;;

Duke Fabre + Young!Luke X Guy.
Yes, definitely NOT WORKSAFE cause Duke Fabre's there.8D

"Luke, I've heard that Guy's being mean to you, but you still forgive him...?"

"Yes Father, that's because..."


"... I-I know he's really nice once I get to know him... and I like him a lot."

"Ah, I see..."

"... ... ..."

"You've always said you wanted to be like me, am I right? How much?"

"Everything! I admire you a lot Father!"

"Hmm, well then, here's your first lesson..."


"Beautiful isn't he? Go on and have fun with him, Luke...""

Does it end there? I don't really know...>D

Yay for Bastard!DukeFabre!8D Luke couldn't do anything but to follow what his Father wants him to do... and he lost all his trust on his Father at that time.>.>;; And the replica!Luke? I'm not sure if Duke Fabre could pollute that Luke's mind, hahaha he's too stupid. Or he could enjoy torturing Guy more. Yeah whatever.XD;;

... Oh yeah, Young!Luke? 8, 9 or 10 years old, take your pick-- he's still seme to Guy whatever happens.<3 Wait till Asch realizes what he's done to Guy when they were young!XD *insert angsty AschXGuy scene here*

If anyone's interested in making a DukeFabre+Asch(Young!Luke)XGuy, go ahead and be inspired.XD Me and my twin would usually insert DukeFabreXAsch(Young!Luke) in betweens as well. Hehehe...

Ok, I'm done ranting now.^^;;

Oh, don't ask about my new icon.8D He's the Romeo of my RomeoXJuliet ToA parody.<3 Uhm... I'm not yet done with it, so I'm not releasing the whole art yet. Haha, lazily done icon...>.>;;

2 Desdelca sketches-- err-- I mean drawings with Van in it!8D
The young!Van and Guy is for akai_kitsune, while the other one...
I'm not sure if it'll work for Sensei glorious' Vanwork-a-Thon.>.>;;
One pic is WORKSAFE the other is NOT WORKSAFE. Hehehe.

Young!Van and Guy For akai_kitsune!<3<3<3

Next time I ask for a gift pic of a request, I need to ask the person full details of what he/she wants (rating, position, timeline and the likes).XD ARGH.

Ok, the next one is the NOT WORKSAFE one.8D

Hey, I don't like VanXRegret so this is kinda my nice het pair to Van. Uhm... VanXTearXVan doesn't count, that's incest.XD I still love it tho, hahaha

I seriously FAILZ at HENTAI!DX Anyways, this was sudden and I didn't even look at ANY hentai mangas...

The original was strong
And won't surrender herself so easily...

But I want you so badly...

Just for now,
For the first and the last time,
Let me break you.


Uhm... Replica!Mary that is...^^;;

I seriously don't know what to work on in Vanwork-a-thon.x_x;; I wanted to do lots, since I haven't drawn Van that much. I wanted to make VanXLuke, VanXGuy(XVan), Grants-cest, or IonXVan...? Argh. *scratches head furiously*

2 More sketches!8D This time, from my kaizer_guy parallel, but since I'm too lazy to log into that Lj, i'm just gonna post it here. Ahehehe.^^;;
They're completely WORKSAFE, and just Kaizer!Guy's and... Dist's beloved sofa.XD

I just think he looks nice with his hairpins, eyeglasses and apron.^^;;<3 I'll probably add this on his costume list cause I've been drawing him like that a lot anyways. Hahaha.XD

I was staring at the back of Dist's Sofa and soon ended up drawing it. I added Kaizer!Guy afterwards cause it looked too empty.
He looks too happy in there. Ah well, he's allowed to sit on it so it's ok.8D

I can't wait to play Luke Labyrinth!*o*<3 I badly want to get the LukeXLuke ending, but since our compy can't read jp fonts, I might not be able to understand the game, which dooms me to randomly choosing stuff and ending with... stuff. *thinks* Maybe I'll just try and evade Guy the best Luke can? Hahaha. O SHI! I tried here on the compy shops' compy and the fonts are IMAGE! That means I CAN READ IT!!!XDXDXD YAY!!!<3<3<3

kimivalkyrie said she got PeonyXLuke. Hahaha.XD

I hate how slow the post office is here. ARGH!DX

tales of the abyss, kaizer!guy parallel, pr0n, sketchies

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