I just got the 5 requests are in.>.>;; I got to finish sketching some but my twin was commenting on how I suck with boobs.XD Hahaha.
JadeXAsch, Booby!AschXBooby!Luke, Synch and Ion, Young!AschXGuy, and TearXKitty!Van...
Okay... Since I was bored...
Possible SPOILERS for the Rokujinshous!!!
Let's start with the oldest?8D
Largo - After naming his first born 'Meryl', he thought of a name for her younger bro... And that's 'Largo'. (ToA Novel)
Dist - He thought of Kaizer Dist's name when he was young. And he probably adopted the name there. (ToA Drama CD)
Regret - It's not that I hate her... I just really don't know where'd she get it.^^;;
Asch - Cause he's the Ashes of the Flame...
Arietta - Her real name is unknown. But this is most likely the name she got from her Liger-mama, and told it to Original!Ion when she learned how to speak.
Synch - Van named him Synch because of what the boy's been mumbling when Van found him. Synchro... something... (ToA Novel)
Tell me if I got anything wrong or if anyone has additional info's.8D
And now for some random ranting...
June 4 is our Mom and Dad's Wedding anniversary...
And it's also the 1st bday of our younger half brother.Xp
Oooh, and now Dad says he doesn't have a relationship with that woman?-_-;;
Everyone's been calling me a drug addict.>.>;; Is it that bad that I inject 2 times a day?XD
kimivalkyrie *huggles lots*