I'll be putting
mood icons.^^; They're temporary cause I haven't made the real Kaizer!Guy ones that's skit-like, but anyways, I think these'll do for now.8D (from past Kaizer!Guy arts obviously *lazy*)
I'll be fixing the K!G Parallel Character List (hopefully) soon~!XDXDXD Though they're the same ToA chara's-- Guy Cecil is just changed to 'Guy Neis' (hahaha), Dist's party are the main (protagonist), and the JADE GANG are the antagonist... kinda...>.>;;
The main pairs are DistXGuy, AschXGuy, VanXGuy, AriettaXGuy... *looks back at list* Meh, AllXUke!Guy.XD
kimivalkyrie~! I hope you cheer up after seeing this...ToT
The scary thing about drawing Dist without his glasses... sometimes' he'll look like Van-- minus the eyebrows and goatee...^^;; I am so sorry.
I tried my best, and this is NOT from the Kaizer!Guy Parallel.XD Hahaha.<3 Canon.>.>;;
Seme's still wearing something...>.>;; Next scene!
Dist-san feels so dominant when he tops Guy cause he's shorter than his uke.XD<3
Uhm... the thought same goes with Asch...>.>;;
After-sex sleep/rest.<3<3<3
Dearest, you can make this into an icon if you want.8D<3
*huggles Kimi*