Nobody take the title seriously.^^;;
I hate RPers.XD They use BIG/DEEP ENGLISH WORDS at random.8D I envy them, hahaha.
That's why I'm still uneasy with the idea of RPing.>.>;; My descriptive english sucks.
Oh yeah, and I've drawn Guy pr0n!8D Why? Because I read soemthing interesting that made me happy with ASCHXGUY yesterday...>.>;; (The one who told me about that RP comm is to blame. *stares at
Though these are just random sketches and NOT related to that RP comm... Fine, it's
bridgehigh. I was quite inspired.<3 (Luke, Asch and Guy weren't happy about what happened and even I don't have much idea on WHAT HAPPENED, but heck-- I am a sadist.>D) Also, the Guy player in
intermixed commented to one of my posts! OMG, so happy.<3<3<3
Imagine anyone from ToA Asch BJing Guy.8D;; <3<3<3
Asch is unfair. He's still wearing something~!XD
Mmm, ToA AschXGuy pr0n...>3 <3
My title just leveled-up a few days ago. I'm now an Oyabaka-Hime to
I care too much-- cause she skips meals and lazies around in making homework, hahaha. I usually spam her with texts.8D Teeheehee.<3
And hopefully you did eat lunch today. And since I trust and like you so very much-- here's your request from last night.=3
Jade and Dist (Saphir).8D And yeah, I kept Dist's lovely ohana-chan collar.<3<3<3
Jade doesn't look happy though...>.>;;
I'm still thinking about that DistXGuy pr0n, hehe.<3
*sigh* Back to stalking RP comms~!8D I'm currently stalking the Asch and Guy's of
intermixed and
bridgehigh, then watching
kimivalkyrie's Jade in
rhythmonhigh. Hehehe.<3
And... I just posted this first.XD I'll be replying to everyones past comments next~!XD