4th ToA Drama CD, crappy summary!8D

Mar 27, 2007 10:25

This post gets my pouty Asch icon cause of the Asch abuse.DX

Okay, about the 4th ToA Drama CD-- Did I just heard AschXGuy?*o* *gets depressed after listening* I think NOT.-_-;;

First crappy summary I did... of the 1st ToA Drama CD. I don't think I'll make the 2nd and 3rd tho, but if I feel like listening to them again, sure.

Really sucky rants/summary of the 4th Drama CD.8D If anyone finds something WRONG, please be kind an correct me.^^;; My lack of english makes it difficult to pick the right english words for this.x_x;;

SPOILERS for the ToA Game are here as well.^^;; I know there're better people who summarize thse stuff-- but heck, I don't have any of them summarizing in my flist, hahaha!8D

Oh yeah, the last track of the 4th Drama CD is the BEST twist that's out of the GAME!!!

The drama CD is so angsty.DX I had enough yesterday, seriously...ToT I'm not gonna explain some parts cause they're the same with the game explanations. I'm sure YOU GUYS know it better than me cause you got to play while I HAVEN'T!XD Hahaha.<3

I'm sorry if I ruin ANY angsty or sad parts because of my really crappy english and stupid comments.^^;; And being one-sided at certain parts...

Track 1
Asch VS Regret.8D Okay, she talks about Van's ideals and the likes (I'm sorry, I still don't like Regret) until she mentions about Asch's home, "Back to your parents' side, to your friends' side" (okay, it's possible she's mentioning Natalia, but she's a LOVER and a FRIEND, so it's Natalia AND GUY<3). Of course Asch gets pissed, cause Regret says the only one who acknowledges Asch's existence is VAN.
OMG.O_O Asch laughing like crazy is *hearts*. Well yeah, Asch knows that Van's gonna get beaten by his Replica.

Me and my twin will like Regret if she keeps on being a VanXAsch fan.XDXDXD

And more VanXAsch.<3<3<3 And Lorelei's voice sounds so digital.o_o;; Hahaha.

Track 2
Random soldier/people talks about rumours of the happenings in Akzeriuth and the Qlipoth?^^;; OMG! TearXGuy at the bar!!!<3 Anise finds them and she says the two are dating cause Guy has become a Count(<3 *squee*) and she understands Tear with that. Guy says they're just having a meal so Anise orders a LOT and says the Count's gonna pay for it.>.>;; Oh yeah, Anise is looking for Ion-sama.

Somewhere, Luke thinks of stuff Van said at the Absorb Gate, about him being a JUST Replica and all, and then Ion comes in and asks what Luke's thinking of. IonXLuke convo.<3 They talk about the ocean and then until it comes to replica talk...

Luke: What... am I?
Ion: You're Luke fone Fabre... are you not?
Luke: No, I am Luke fone Fabre's replica. I really don't have a name, a family... I'm empty (nothing)... If Asch comes home...
Ion says that his memories are real, but Luke's still worried (uneasy) because he doesn't know why he was born. But then he think Tear will get mad at him (or something) if she hears him, so ion says they just move forward and become a better person (lulz, did I transed it right?oo).

Until they heard an explosion--

Track 3
OMFG! PeonyXNatalia!<3<3<3 (The really weird pairings I like are popping out everywhere here and NONE AschXGuy!!!ToT) Peony talks about liking Natalia, but Jade mentions that she already has someone-- and Natalia says it's 'Luke fone Fabre'. Peony thinks it's the Original Luke, oh Heika, you're so good.<3 Jade shuts them up cause he feels something bad--

They find a random soldier that's from Kimuelasca and asks the person who he is-- but he shoots(?) and that's the exlposion Luke heard awhile ago. (I make the summary sound so funny and stupid, huh?) Okay, so Kimuelasca's invading Malkuth...?o_o WTH!?

Luke comes in and sees everyone's fine and Jade says it's cause of Natalia's artes.<3 PeonyXJade convo cause Peony thinks Jade is useless, Jade replies that his timing was off and-- well... makes his usual stupid excuses.^^;; And Natalia was about to say more when Luke embraces her (Kyaaa! LukeXNatalia!<3 dammit, gimme AschXGuy.ToT) cause he thought they were gonna die-- but then he let's go and apologizes cause he remembers that he's NOT Natalia's fiance.

JadeXGuy random convo.8D

Track 4
Meh, AschXLuke!<3 Asch talks about when he heard Lorelei and Luke was confused cause he said he didn't hear ANYTHING! (WHAT!?O_O) Anyways, Asch shows that he already has Lorelei's Key. Natalia's there and was explaining everything to Luke... and then Asch says that Lorelei called cause of the 'one who seizes glory' blah-- And Luke knows it's Sensei.

And we get a flashback of the battle at Absorb Gate.8D Man this is GAYER than the one in the game-- Luke shouting 'SENSEI--!!!' when Van fell.XDXDXD *melts* That's just so wrong.<3<3<3

WAV file of Luke screaming 'SENSEI--!!!'8D Cause I really like it.<3

Asch explains what probably happened afterwards Van fell. He plans to leave and then Luke says they could search for the jewel together cause he's Asch's replica-- Asch says really mean things, about not coming back home anymore so Luke doesn't have to worry, but then Natalia slaps him (XD) "Luke may have replcaed you-- but no one can replace Luke!" she says. he walks away and felt MORE pissed and most likely jealous cause Natalia is also on Luke's side...

ARGH, why do they torture Asch here?ToT Poor Asch... I hope they pull off AschXGuy soon.>.>;;

VanXyoung!Asch convo. Original!Luke has just become Asch and they're training, Van saying that Asch's strength is his hate and all those stuff.-_- Asch thinks he really hates Van cause he's the one who took EVERYTHING away from him and plans on killing him... Until Asch was a bit older, Van knows Asch wants to kill him. When Asch was about to leave, Van says there's a new sword in his room-- and he says it's Asch birthday-- (gift).o_o;; Ehehehe... More VanXAsch thoughts.

Oh yeah, the BGM is really nice.*o*

Track 5
Jade explains stuff about Luke being a Replica and why he couldn't hear Lorelei, and more revelation about Mohs might be pulling the strings in the war AGAIN.

Anise with her mom and dad.>.>;; And... Ion and Anise... talking about how Ion envies Anise for having a fmaily, but Anise says Ion has Emorietta (Gloomietta in the eng as I recall???). Okay Anise, keep on being an IonXArietta fan and I MIGHT start to like you.8D Hahaha. (Uhh, NO)

Ion says he trusts Anise like a family, of course she feels GUILTY. Guy comes in to ruin the IonXAnise scene, yay.<3

Any SynchXAnise fans here?Xp Eeew... Yeah, sorry.^^;; Anyways, I really like Synch's voice in the Drama CD.*o* (Kugimiya Rie~<3) It's about Anise being a spy for Mohs.
(And they needed Ion to read the 7th Stone something, right?)

Track 6
Arietta flies over Malkuth on one of her brother Griffons. Natalia recognises her cause she fought the girl with Anise and Asch. (In the past Drama CDs) Anyways Natalia shot her down and they lock her up... Luke praises Natalia for her Archery skills, but then-- she says an out of topic reply-- "You're scared when you hear Asch's name right? I'm sorry..." They end up both apologizing to each other.
Arietta was panicking cause she says that Anise is gonna get Ion killed.

Oh yeah, I like it when japanese people say 'VAN', cause they mention it as 'Ban' (as in Hamburger 'Bun'), it's really silly.8D *stupid*

Track 7
Mohs asks for Ion to read the 7th Fonstone, while Anise is getting really worried and all.

Synch blocks Luke and the gang's way-- he also removes his mask ("Can you fight me when I have THIS face, LUKE!?" I love the way he said 'Luke' *giggles* He's so SEME, I'd support SynchXAsch anytime... What?XD) he says the one their helping is also a Replica, of course the gang doesn't wanna believe.>.>;;

Synch dies(?) after the battle after saying more mindfuck evil things about being a Replica to Luke.=< Ion dies afterwards after reading the stone... with Luke shouting Ion's name at the top of his voice. Which is so gay, but of course, it's a VERY sad scene so I guess this ruins the mood, hahaha

Track 8, 9, 10
Cause I am too lazy to listen to this scene over and over again cause it's REALLY depressing...

It's about Luke's being problematic about him being a replica and about removing the Shouki *hits self* err-- Miasma, Jade kinda says for Luke to 'please kill himself' for the sake of the world.>.>;; We get Guy getting really mad at Jade (Lovers Quarrel) and also Guy hitting Luke for that. Yay!<3

(I've seen clips of this game scene in english, Guy's voice doesn't sound angry enough.DX I really love seiyuu's cause they could get as angry as they want-- just like Yasunori matsumoto in this scene.<3)

In the end, we get a LukeXTear moment where they both hug each other cause Luke got his senses back and all.8D

Track 11
Me and my twin (pic_kuroi_aka) agreed that we HATE Jade more because of this track.>.>;; Sorry.x_x;

Asch talks to King Ingobert (?) about stuff (lulz, too lazy to listen again) but then Kaizer Dist attacks the palace. Dist pilots/drives Kaizer Dist from the inside, btw, until he got warning (from a 'female voice' inside Kaizer Dist and all) that there's something going to hit (missiles?). The Tartarus was attacking/shooting missiles(?) Kaizer Dist and the captain of it was Jade of course.

(TartarusXKaizerDist is my new OTP. Hahaha.XD)

While Kaizer Dist was getting hit by missiles, Dist was pleading for Jade to stop, cause he'll be getting data about Nebilim-sensei and he'll be able to make her. The 3 of them will be together again just like the old days (Ha! Yeah, forget about Peony!), he's doing this for that days sake-- for Jade's sake!

(Of all the scenes, this is probably the one with the REALLY cool dramatic sad music...DX <3)

Dist: I see, Jade... You really are abandoning me...
Haha, I can't remember you now (you're different now).
Kaizer Dist... My first sketch...

Dist flachbacks when he first got to sketch a fontech machine and a young Jade looks really impressed(?). He asks for it's name and then Saphir names it Kaizer Dist (this kinda makes it Jade and Saphir's first lovechild). 'Dist?' Jade asks, and Saphir replies that he just thought about it just now and he thinks it sounds cool. "Praise me..." Saphir said pouting, then Jade says that Saphir is Saphir and then leaves saying he needs to go back to Nebilim-sensei...
(Saphir's voice is ZOMG squeee when he called Jade!<3)

Back to Dist, he says he wants to be praised by Jade again. Then he began to get Kaizer Dist to self-destruct, then he shouts that he'll be going to Nebilim-sensei now, and it explodes...

In the Tartarus, cheering is heard, and Jade says "Goodbye, Saphir..."

(Okay, Jade mentioning the 'tenacious cockroach' of the game wasn't mentioned in the Drama CD, fyi.x_x;; But still, I want to believe that at least SOME elements of Game!Dist is the same with DramaCD!Dist, so I pray Dist is alive... Thanks for everyone trying to cheer me up yesterday.ToT)

Track 12
Before Tower of Rem scene...x_x;; If they really are in there.

More Original and Replica talk. I think the lines in the game are the same-- but the two redheads are talking.>.>;; This just wanna make me cry and laugh at the same time, cause I'm thinking only ONE person did the seiyuu-ing for both chara's and it's really funny.XD

Oh and the best part is, they're FIGHTING NOW just like 10 year olds and they're crying, well, Luke's crying.8D When they both strikes their sword for the last time after all those shouting and all-- a choushindou/hyperressonance was made and they both got transported somewhere like in the start with Tear and Luke...


-- WHAT!?!?!?

End.=p I can't wait for the 5th one.*o* What the hell happened...?

I hope Asch doesn't die so we all get a happy ending with a possible AschXGuy. =3

Oh yeah, Kaizer Dist is FEMALE!!!DX Argh, so my Kaizer!Guy should call her 'Aneki' instead of 'Aniki'.x_x;;

Arietta only had 2 VERY SHORT appearances all in all in ALL the Drama CD too.DX WAAAH!!!


Gardios and Cecille Frings Comic

Surprisingly I have made a VERY NORMAL COMIC (xcept for the LAST page).>.>;;

Well, you can think. ZOMG! Aslan Frings got Josette Cecille preggy before he-- *spoilers*!
Yeah that.XD

A really random thought that bugged me for days.x_x;; I don't know if I'll continue or not...?

SPOILERS about the ToA game as well.XDXDXD

This probably happens a few years AFTER the End of ToA...

First sketches.8D
Redraw all cause changingthe panneling for me is...

The comic--


But if you're interested
in an omake that's is BL--
(and it's the real end of the comic.^^;;)


Wait... Luke and Asch are BOTH alive???8D YES!<3

Enjoy.8D Random thoughts about the comic are appreciated.XD

gaillardia, other parallels, yo-tan aniki, comic, drama cd, translations, tales of the abyss, aschxguy, sketchies, rants

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