I'm probably the happiest AschXGuy fan now.8D
Are there others???
Well, rereading
ranchelle and
aefallen's fics made me really happy-- and also made me feel angsty at the same time.XD Hey, it's AschXGuy!<3
Okay, so I made an AschXGuy request cause
ranchelle really needed something to write, and she DOES write good-- heck, even better than me (cause I really suck). And she wrote this really nice AschXGuy that even made me cry...ToT Ish sho naish...<3
And she wrote a Young Guy+Asch for
kaitou_orphen which made reminded me of the experiments that those random scientist's did to poor young Asch... And I was really expecting that Guy could've been a bit more nicer... before Luke got kidnapped...
I still think that Guy's apologies to Luke should be directed to Asch NOT Luke.ToT I'm not being my Hate!GuyXLuke self-- but Guy really SHOULD say something to Asch...
Then I read
aefallen's ficcie too.8D Asch got to kiss Guy-- using Luke's body. Hahaha.<3 Anyways, the thought is still Asch... I can think of the AschXLuke pairing in the fic as wel-- just NOT the GuyXLuke...ID
A lot should write more kinda not-evil!Guy to Asch...<3
The only one I really needed now is a REALLY HAPPY AschXGuy, but of course you guys know that it's IMPOSSIBLE unless it's a parallel or a random gag. Hey, I'd want to read both as well if it's possible.XD Hahaha.<3
Expressing my happiness is limited and I hate myself for that.XD I don't know what to say, but I was really cheered up with these people's AschXGuy ficcies. And I still wanna see more~!ToT
ToA AschXGuy ficcies random art.8D
I don't have a tablet and I only go back and forth from a Computer Rental Shop so I can't draw stuff right then and there even if I want to.XD So here's a really late art dump for the people who wrote AschXGuy...<3
I know
ranchelle also draws, hehehe...
Something for 'Just one Night'.<3
And a REALLY old art of Young Guy and Asch...
I got reminded of this drawing when I was reading the fic for
kaitou_orphen There's a VanXGuy version of this, btw. Hahaha. I know
raethes already gave her art for
aefallen's fic... Uhmm... ahehe... Here's mine...?
I really wanted to draw right in the Computer Shop and then ask to scan it there but as always, I don't have much time online.x_x;;
Igot to finish
kaitou_orphen's young Asch and Luke holding hands sketch done-- but since our scanner was not being nice to me-- I wasn't able to scan it~!ToT
aefallen, have you seen my '?????+Mieu giftpic' scan?8D If not-- just wait til you meet with
kimivalkyrie, I asked her to give the original sketchy paper copy to you.<3
I found GuyXAsch sites-- now this?8D Ahaha.<3 I'm really so happy with my favorite pairing now~! (Sadly, it sounds like the pairing inspiration didn't start from me... What...?ToT I'm so unpopular... hahaha...)
Of course there's a separate side for my special DistXGuy...
I'm just ranting.8D Well... I just found the perfect theme song for my 'Kaizer!Guy Parallel' or simply my DistXGuy pairing.*big grin* It's a Bump of Chicken song and I've been listening to it over and over again.<3
And no, it's not 'Ever Lasting Lie' even if I know my siblings hear me listening to it every now and then... That song is for my AschXGuy 'Cursed Promise'.XD
The song is... well... weird...XD (Aren't all their songs weird?)
Kimi if you're not busy tonight, can you burn me ALL of your Bump of Chicken songs again?XD I mean ALL of them this time (even the stuff you know we already have) cause some weren't working cause the title was in jp characters and our compy can't read them.ToT Sorry for being such a bother...
Does anyone know where to download GBA ROMS for the GBA emulators!? Please do tell me, I need to play something different.ToT
I'm leveling Aniki's game-- Castlevania Aria of Sorrow. The one with Soma Cruz as the Hero, I really enjoy this cause Soma's seiyuu'd by Midorikawa Hikaru~!<3
Well, Aniki played the english of this game but gave up when his game hangs up randomly.XD So we're replaying the japanese version that's working well.
Of course while playing-- we can't help but throw in yaoi jokes in betweens.
If I get tired of collecting souls-- I play
pictoalchemist's Final Fantasy IV PSone game.8D I really wanna play the GBA versions...ToT
Oh and I updated my icons.8D I just uploaded really old icons for fun and-- it's okay IF anyone wants to ask for one... Just ask me and go ahead and take it.XDThe only people who don't need to ask for my permission to use ALL my stuff (drawings/scans and icons) are
kimivalkyrie and
http://chishanomi.chips.jp/ill/x-0002.htm(HTML Game! Luke wants to make Van-sensei a Vday gift.XD Eeewm why ask Ramdas for help?>p)
http://asahi14.fc2web.com/VanXLuke<3 site where that came from.XD
And it seems this artist is gonna make a molested-young!Van comic/doujin soon.>D *checks blog* Hopefully.>D (JadeXyoung!Van or randomD.O.MXyoung!Van~!XDXDXD)