I woke up VERY HUNGRY at 2am. Oh yes, and I was shaking a LOT.ID (Hypo mode. My sugars LOW. Need to eat) After eating and feeling better, I turned on the compy to get myself ready in making
kimivalkyrie's Dist costume sketches...
... And hopefully, my inspiration won't crash like the last time when I drawn ours.^^;; (I was in a mild-slump for 2 days.)
Guess what? I was reading DistXGuy comics to inspire me.8D *Gets shot by Kimi*
They're not colored and not as good as
silentside's stuffs.^^;; Ahehehe.
Both costumes have their complications.^^;;
1st costume, a VERY LOW neckline.=p Argh. Anyways, this one has violet piping.<3
The armband's design really looks like a sharingan of Naruto.o_o
2nd costume, the design.x_x;; The one I've drawn isn't even accurate cause I just based it from a fanart. Hmm... You'll rarely see Dist standing up, y'know.XD
The necktie's design is the same with the amrband.=p
I'll probably e-mail you about the collar-- cause it's a top secret thing.>D *actually doesn't know how to translate in english* Eh hindi ko alam ang tawag dun sa ingles eh!XD At, top secret, gusto naming tayo maunang makagawa.>D
He's wearing Mickey Mouse Gloves and YOU should too!!!XDXDXD
I'll give you the sketchies one we meet.8D
Random note:
There are currently 3 sentai songs on my playlist... Cause I'm planning to draw something Abyssman (Abyssmen?8D), but NO, we are NOT cosplaying Abyssman chara's even if we would love to.-_-;;