Collab art of my younger sibs--
Asch (and Buusagi's?) -
harlot_devastchGuy - Lisette (youngest sis)
Guy's such an adorable kitty~!X3 And Asch looks so seme.o_o Oist,
harlot_devastch, you really draw seme's good, ne?>D Ahaha!<3
There's also the wallpaper at the start of our compy-- it's really nice too!
I woke up hypo (being a diabetic, it's-- LOW blood sugar), and went downstairs to HAPPILY stuff myself with anything SUGAR LOADED>XD
So after this... I need to do some groceries... then go home and do the laundry.o_o;;
~~~! I have found the LukeXJade site I've been searching for!!!XDXDXD
And.. more cheering up with LukeXLuke(XLuke!?O_O) I can't believe I can really look at Seme!GuyXshort-haired!Luke!XD