(No hentai today!^^;;)
I bet everyone will not look at the post after this cause it's just me random ranting about me and my siblings' cosplay plans.=p So here's a pic for some people to comment on.^^;; Ahehehe... I enjoyed drawing that and also coloring it... I'm not the best photoshop colorist, but I was able to manage-- using the only mouse we have (that we've been using for 5 years!).=D
There's a larger version of that pic in my dev, btw.^_^ (If I'm able to post it, that is) Ehehehe...
I was supposed to put up a pic of Anise BJing Guy but-- ahehehe *embarassed*
I'm VERY AschXGuyXAsch inspired!!!XDXDXD *check out my Dev for more arts!*
Though these plan will only work if I find work sooner or later...-_-;;
Just boring Tales cosplay rants, BTW.=p Knowing that Tales Series isn't known in the Philippines, all these cosplays are suicide!XO Ah, except for... ToP, ToD, ToE and ToL, since they're sold in the *cough* 'local market'. Which reminds me--
lloyd_dunamis was worried that we might not be able to buy an english ToL here...o_o;;
Hopefully my siblings will be able to read this.^_^;;
I just realized something about Guy after watching a few skits that I got online--
KAYUMANGI ANG KULAY NYA~!!!XDXDXD I got to compare his color to everyone and noticed that his complexion is a bit dark-- which makes it OK for me to cosplay him.X3 Besides, it's a filipino skin color!<3 Kayumangi sya~! Whee~!XDXDXD
For me, I want to Tales cosplay-- Dhaos or Arche (ToP), Lion Magnus (ToD), Keel Zeibel or Meredy (ToE), Kratos Aurion or Refill Sage (ToS), Shirley Fennes (ToL), and Guy Cecil (ToA).=D I skipped ToD2 because I have already cosplayed Judas, remember?>D (But I think I wanna cosplay Reala too) If I want to cosplay Lion, all I lack is the costume cause I already have a Chaltier.=3 *huggles her sword*
Anyways, me and our Asch can do all the fanservice we want if we get to cosplay, because our height gap is right. (I'm taller than Aniki even if I'm the younger twin, I'm 168cm and he's 164cm as I recall) ASCHXGUYXASCH~!XDXDXD
pic_kuroi_aka wants to Tales cosplay-- Chester Barklight (ToP), Stan Aileron (ToD), Keel Zeibel or Fog (ToE), Loni Dunamis (ToD2), Zelos Wilder (ToS), Senel Coolidge (ToL), and Asch (ToA). He already cosplayed ToD's bard, Johnny Shiden, when I was Judas. Usually we would prefer cosplaying OUR pairing so we can do some personal fanservice... our real problem is height.x_x ToS pairing? Yes, we like the mirror chara pair, ZelosXKratosXZelos.
Also, Aniki's pushing me to make him Asch's sword with sheath. It'll be easy, but I'm not sure about the details since I lack pictures of the sword.T_T I just noticed that the official arts of his sword changes.x_x Grrr...
Our Luke (
lloyd_dunamis) is having a difficulty relating to the sword. He was surprised when he saw some screen shots of the battle in ToA and found that LUKE is LEFT HANDED! Ahehehe...
We want him to cosplay-- Kyle Dunamis (ToD2), Lloyd Irving (ToS), and Luke fone Fabre (ToA). Whenever we play Tales games in multiplayer-- he gets the heroes cause he's good at it! Trust me, I CAN'T play Kyle in ToD2 anymore-- so I let him play the game if Judas isn't around (or I hurry to get Judas ASAP)
I think Jade's complexion is SO WHITE! Like he's DEAD!XD Hahaha! *whispers* Our Jade in the family is the smallest of us siblings BTW. Ahehehe... Ah, her complexion is OK to be Jade I guess...
harlot_devastch, is a possible Genius Sage if I cosplay Refill of ToS. Sadly, she's not that interested in Tales. She plays with us (she uses Loni in ToD2 if Aniki's not around) and she likes 'Magnatideus' of the Aqua Labyrinth in ToD2.o_o;;
(but it made me really happy when she liked Jade!<3)
And I thought most Malkuth people have dark skin color... Hmm...
Ao Leongson, our youngest, BADLY wanted to be Natalia.^^;; I think I've shown her TOO much fanarts where Natalia uses Guy as a seat (she sits on his back). She and
harlot_devastch are really close-- thus we started to like JadeXNataliaXJade because of them. But won't it be weird to see Jade smaller than Natalia? Ahehehe...
That's all of us. 5 siblings (twins, a younger bro, then 2 younger sisters).
I wanted to have a Van cosplayer with us (and I want him to be taller than me and would be willing to do some fanservice, VanXGuy and VanXAsch).T_T *thinks* But our potential Van cosplayer is shorter than me-- and we'd rather literally kill him if we find him again. Kuya E, anybody know him as Psykill in the cosplay community?>D Yeah, I'm serious, I really wanna murder the bastard...
Haha! I can't believe I thought of him because of Vandesdelca.Xp Eew... *imagines killing Kuya E* erase erase erase the evil thoughts...-_-;;
Random Note: I'm really glad that Yaoi/Yuri topics is already open to talk about around the house.^_^ Ah, except for our mom, since she might freak out.