WMC: Lindsay/Cindy, Ep 101 Picspam

Apr 13, 2008 00:42

Women's Murder Club Picspam: Lindsay & Cindy
Episode 101

For spoonerknife  who is my partner in WMC watching :)

Scene: San Francisco Register
Significance: First meeting and conversation, Lindsay gets a taste of Cindy's investigative skills (she had already picked the lock on Theresa Woo's desk before Lindsay arrived), Cindy reveals an admiration of her slain "mentor," low position on the food chain at her workplace, and chatty nature

C: "Don't you need a warrant for that?" ... "There's nothing in there anyhow" ... "I picked it already"

C: "She was more of a mentor, from afar."

Scene: Theresa Woo's Apartment
Significance: Cindy's intrepid curiosity unveils the journals that Lindsay had been looking for, physical contact when the cuffs are slapped on, no arrest is made despite a bit of breaking and entering (Cindy is Theresa's "adopted sister," of course)

C: "Hi! Again."

C: "Really? You don't have to do that."
L: "You don't have to break and enter."

C: "And don't feel bad, you would have found them eventually"
L: "Gee, thanks. Now tell me why I shouldn't arrest you for murder."

Scene: SFPD Station
Significance: Lindsay is trying to figure out why her partner, Jacobi, is pissed/annoyed. One of the reasons she guesses is that it's because she didn't arrest "the reporter" for breaking and entering.

Scene: Parking garage
Significance: Lindsay needs help interpreting the shorthand used in Woo's journals, Cindy tells Lindsay about her idyllic memory, all the different things she reads, and her ability to recall information that she may have encountered in the past, Lindsay says she better not see any of the contents in those journals in a story without her approval

L: "I don't talk to reporters."
C: "Yeah, I got that general idea."

C: "I read about a lot of things: short-hand, baseball, *something* economics, serial killers."

L: "Here's an FYI, if you write a story containing any information from those notebooks without my go ahead, I'll arrest you."
C: "For what?"
L: "Breaking and entering, obstruction... I'll come up with a list."

Scene: SFPD Station
Significance: Cindy gave Lindsay her cell phone number at some point and it's already programmed into Lindsay's phone, Lindsay ends a conversation with best friend Jill to make a call... Lindsay calls Cindy and says "it's me" like it's the most natural thing in the world, Cindy says she might have a lead- she'll call with more info

Scene: SFPD Station
Significance: Cindy recognized something in the journals and "cracks the code," the person brought in is able to shed some light on the case and it eventually leads to the arrest of the correct suspect, Cindy maintains eye-contact with Lindsay almost throughout the entire conversation

C: "I cracked the code."

Scene: SFPD Station / Hall of Justice
Significance: Other than the obvious standing next to each other and Lindsay staring at Cindy, this is the first time the mention of a "club" is brought up

C: "Do you three have some sort of thing?"
Claire: "We're friends, we share information."
C: "What, like a club?"
Lindsay, Jill, Claire: "No."

Scene: Victim's house
Significance: The Kiss-Me-Not Killer has struck again and Lindsay is put on the case, Cindy is outside gathering details (like a good reporter should), the two share a look through the window before Lindsay turns back to the others on scene and vows to stop KMN

L: "We'll get him. And this time we'll stop him."

tv: women's murder club, picspam, otp: lindsay/cindy

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