Take Snapshots (Screenshots) automatically with VLC

Aug 20, 2011 22:07

I keep getting so many questions about auto screen capping in the newer versions of VLC, due to my previous entry on the subject years ago. The following tutorial will spell it out for you :)

This applies to the newer versions of VLC, particularly the current version (1.1.11). I am on a Mac, so if you're on Windows, this may or may not work for you. The tutorial is a bit image heavy to help those who understand more visually.

  1. Open VLC and its preferences

  2. Switch the preferences from Basic to All

  3. Setup your screenshot preferences by going to Video

    • Set your directory where the files should be saved
    • If you want a prefix before the image, type that in (perhaps video_ or your username- pibby_). This is not required.
    • Choose your snapshot format (png or jpg)
    • If you want to use sequential numbers instead of timestamps, check the box for that option
  4. Setup the automatic screencapping preferences by going to Video -> Output modules -> Scene filter

    • Make sure the following options are filled out: Image format, Directory path prefix
    • I have found that leaving the width and height at the default -1 seems to work well and will automatically size the screencaps correctly. If you find this is not the case, set these numbers to the dimensions of your video.
    • Enter your recording ratio. The lower the number, the more often VLC will take a snapshot. Play around with this number until you find the ratio that works best for you.
  5. Tell VLC to use the scene filter by typing the word "scene" (no quotes) into the box at the top of Video -> Filters. Note: Type the word in the top box labeled Video filter module. Do not type it into the 2nd box called Video output filter module.

  6. Click the save button to save your preferences
  7. Open a video in VLC, open Finder and browse to the directory you specified for saving screencaps, and sit back and watch the caps fly in!

When you're done with your screencaps, simply erase the word "scene" in the top box (Video filter module) of Video -> Filters and save your preferences.

screenshots, automatically save snapshots, auto screencapping, screencaps, snapshots, vlc, mac os x

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