Matt's sister is due to give birth any day (actually, she was due to give birth nearly two weeks ago, but apparently late delivery is very common in first pregnancies) so I feel I can finally reveal the answer to my
other mysterious UFO conundrum. It was not a legless elephant, Loz, or a cozy for an iron, Inkwolf. It was in fact one of these little beauties:
I got slightly carried away with knitting these. It was possible to knit one in one day, you see, and the joy of seeing a nearly-completed thing so excited me that I couldn't stop myself from knitting more
and more.
What I hadn't reckoned on was how long it'd take to sew the dratted things together. And then, once they were all sewn up, they didn't really look like anything. I briefly considered knitting little straps to go across the top, with pretty buttons to fasten them. But that plan died the death due to being far too fiddly. Enter the wonderful old blanket stitch (possibly the first decorative stitch I ever learnt to do. I can remember being completely entertained as a child by just sewing blanket stitch around the edges of handkerchiefs):
So pretty! I almost wish they were for me, but they're much too small:
According to the pattern they're supposed to fit babies from 3-6 months, but they look a little large for that. I expect the baby will grow into them eventually...
New words: 987
Total words: 5,211
Outside: Sunny day! A tour of my chicken-keeping friend's new vegetable patch, followed by a tour of mum's garden, and badminton on the grass by the sea with Matt.
Inside: Courgette, lentil and cumin soup, with home-made bread and smoked cheese.
Reading: The Grey King by Susan Cooper
Piano: More Bach (it's an addiction), and accompanying lots of songs at a small concert in the afternoon.