
Jun 29, 2010 11:34

Since I'm not about to spend a good chunk of what's left of my morning catching up with everyone's journals, update me on what's new with you here!

As consolation, here's the new Harry Potter trailer.

fandom: harry potter, sharing is caring and all that shiz, oh yeah this is awesome

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threepapercups June 29 2010, 18:14:55 UTC
Once upon a time, I mentioned to you that I would like to draw Henry & Eileen for you because SH4 is A+ & I like it when other people are able to enjoy it instead of complain about it.
So I finally sketched something & I will finish it eventually amidst the 8000 other things I have somehow managed to spawn over the last month.


pianotheme June 29 2010, 23:45:22 UTC
Sketch looks terrific! Poor Henry, just about losing everyone around him. ;; H/E is just love and tears and comfort.


threepapercups June 30 2010, 00:20:18 UTC
His whole situation is just terrible. I hate the ending where Eileen is like "WHELP. U READY 2 GO BAKC" & Henry is just like "uhhh..." & his apartment is still all possessed and gross ): It's like it NEVER ENDS.


pianotheme June 30 2010, 01:36:19 UTC
IKR? It's a hideous cycle of ghosts in his walls and belching nurses!

I adore Henry so much. Def my favorite SH hero ever.


threepapercups June 30 2010, 01:47:20 UTC
Henry is definitely wonderful. He was also my favorite until I read this. Now I must reconsider.


pianotheme June 30 2010, 02:11:19 UTC
He was a badass, wasn't he? Possibly the only true badass in the entire series.


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