
Jun 12, 2010 10:29

30 days of music...

Day 12 - A song from a band you hate:

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Truth be told, I actually really like this song, and the music video is quite cute on top of that. I gave their other songs a try and, God help me, Amanda Palmer does not sing. She caterwauls and is always (intentionally?) off-key. The Dresden Dolls, for all their cabaret and Victorian appeal, are not for me. :(

Blake and I watched Splice last night which was, uh, interesting. I was torn between the strangely beautiful and fascinating Dren and the weak writing. I also came out of the theater with a crush on Adrien Brody. *rubs face* My mind lately has been like, "Boys, boys, boys. Oh, and did I mention boys?"

meme, horror movies are my anti-drug, youtube, ughhh, music, what the eff

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