
Apr 09, 2010 13:04

"Konami reveals new Silent Hill game". *holds head* The series is gonna get the Resident Evil treatment, isn't it? Inundated with a fuckton of sequels while the original engaging storyline becomes a shadow of its former self ( Read more... )

fandom: resident evil, ughhh, rant, fandom: silent hill

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threepapercups April 9 2010, 22:06:51 UTC
A lot of people really enjoyed it, actually, and it scored fairly well. It helps that the story was actually put together very well without being a clone of a previous game.
......Sucked as a Silent Hill game, though.


pianotheme April 9 2010, 23:39:13 UTC
The games are starting to lose their magic for me, and that makes me very sad. What started out as a groundbreaking series is slowly turning into a big joke. :(

From my understanding, Shattered Memories got a lukewarm reception amongst the fandom. A lot of people readily admit that it's flawed, but they say there are some good points that kinda salvage it. I have no idea; I haven't played it, either.


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pianotheme May 18 2010, 22:21:39 UTC
You're entitled to your own opinion.


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zombifiers May 19 2010, 01:30:45 UTC
Shattered Memories failed as a SH game

And what, exactly, constitutes something as being "a SH game"? Please, tell me, because no one in fandom can give me a straight answer. If I see the words "It's a good game, but it's not a good Silent Hill game" one more time, I might actually go insane.

If it takes place in Silent Hill, follows the mythos of Silent Hill, follows the traditional themes of suffering and justice and all that jazz, and has the title of Silent Hill... it is a Silent Hill game. I want this fandom to realize that no other fandom ever does this. RE fandom doesn't go "Well, Resident Evil 4 was a good game, but it wasn't a good Resident Evil game." Supernatural fans don't go, "Oh, it was a good episode, but it wasn't a good Supernatural episode."

It's a huge crock of shit that Silent Hill fans just made the fuck up because they want some scapegoat to cover the fact that they are so high up on Team Silent's cock that they can't accept anything else as being good or decent, even though they know for a fact that it is. It ( ... )


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zombifiers May 19 2010, 15:34:23 UTC
Actually, they do. Resident Evil 4 was a good game, but it is not a good Resident Evil game.

No, honey, they don't. Maybe you do because you inherited the idea from SH fandom, but the RE fandom in and of itself does not do this and has never done this. I've been in RE fandom since 2001. I was there when RE4 came out. People might say that they hate the direction that RE4 and RE5 took the series in, they might say that they're shitty games, they might say they miss the zombies, but they never discount them as being "not RE enough" because it's a fucking stupid arbitrary term that SH fandom pulled out of its asshole. And if you do see fans say it, I guarantee that they're in SH fandom, too.

Honestly, I don't know dick about Farscape, but I think it's fucking pretentious as hell that people claim that the people who created that show don't release episodes that fit some idealistic view of the show that the fans created in their head, like the fans know the mythos and storyline better than the creators do. Again, with Supernatural ( ... )


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Re: Continued. zombifiers May 19 2010, 15:46:37 UTC
LOL man look at the BUTTHURT over here.

I've wracked up at least 20 posts on Silent Hill Talk defending Silent Hill: Shattered Memories from its detractors.

That's impressive, considering Shattered Memories is indefensible. It had broken gameplay mechanics, broken pacing, and a broken atmosphere. It wasn't scary, or fun, or interesting at all as a game. Even if it wasn't called Silent Hill, I would hate this game. Also tell me how it's not a sexist, stereotypical, misogynistic piece of shit that has the undertone of "girls need a strong male figure in their life to be successful." Because I was personally offended by that implication.

You want to hate Silent Hill: Shattered Memories, but you don't want anyone else to criticize it.

No, you're confused. I can dislike something but still call people for being unfair on their criticisms of it. Shattered Memories is one of the most god-awful pieces of shit games I've ever played, but I at least give it a fair review. Saying "it's not Silent Hill enough" is bullshit, crosses the line ( ... )


zombifiers May 19 2010, 01:21:17 UTC
Shattered Memories is actually a very decent game


It's actually better than Homecoming


[Shattered Memories] surpasses SH4 in some respects.


There are many good points that bring up the game


The storytelling is masterful


there is a great sense of exploration.


The graphics are incredibly realistic


the town generally feels like a real community


Resident Evil 5 discarded [horror] altogether


[Resident Evil 5] almost killed the horror genre.


While I could have just posted a Supernatural gif to show my emotions of how incredibly wrong you are for about 80% of your comment, I thought it'd be more constructive to point out what exactly is wrong with it. If I had to grade you, I'd give this about a D. You pass because at least you tried, but it's not a passing grade to be proud of.


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zombifiers May 19 2010, 15:52:41 UTC
Dude, what? Did you just fucking say to me that you came into my best friend's journal, uninvited, and started preaching at all of us so that you can post all of your ideas onto some forum? I have one thing to say to that (and I'm going to check Silent Hill Talk so I can say it there, too):



pianotheme May 19 2010, 16:52:06 UTC
Alright, you've had your fun.

No one -- absolutely no one -- talks down and acts rude to my friends. You've been nothing but obnoxious from the moment you posted your first comment. So congratulations, you now have the distinct honor of being the only person I've ever banned. Goodbye.


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