
Apr 06, 2010 18:35

The past couple of days have been draining, and that's putting it lightly. Between stupid spats with friends and a severe downward shift in my mood, I haven't been a very happy camper. Of course, I was wondering if it would even be worth it to go to class tonight. Maybe I should just cut my losses and sleep through the afternoon, but I manned up and went anyway, and I'm so glad I did.
My professor is just the best kind of person. To give you some insight into his personality, he said during the first day of class, "I am very unorthodox, I am very weird; and hopefully you'll never have another one like me." He's an older guy -- mid-50s, at least -- but he's got an exorbitant amount of energy and makes me feel really good about math.
I've been really blessed with good teachers at Tech, each one better than the last, but I doubt anyone can top Dr. Sullivan. Not unless my professor next quarter is an honest to God circus clown.

Singing Lily Allen at the top of my lungs helped salvage the day, too (Fuck you~ fuck you very, very much~).

school, ughhh, music

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