
Dec 09, 2009 14:02

These last few days have been rough.

I was stressing out majorly over the weekend because yesterday was my last in-class test, meaning I'm not able to make corrections on it to bump up my grade if I score low; and I have to make at least a 70 to be eligible to take the exit exam and move on to the next class. So yeah, I felt the pressure. :(

And I've just been sad in general. I'm not excited for Christmas or winter break at all, and I can't be motivated to do anything but go to work and school.
I spent some time with Tommy last night thinking a change of scenery and company outside of my family would help, but the drive home was so long and lonely it ruined my good mood. It's like the moment I leave a fun situation all the bad feelings rush me like they've been waiting to get me alone again. I made an appointment in early January to suss things out, so we'll see what happens.

But right now I've got the headache to end all headaches and my bed is like a siren seducing me with mountains of blankets, fluffy pillows and a soft kitty curled on top of everything. In short: bbl, nap.

under the weather, school, christmas, friends, appointments, ughhh

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