
Oct 31, 2009 10:43

Last night at the fair with Shawn and Blake was terrific. No pictures because the batteries in my camera died, but trust me when I say that it was the best fair experience I've ever had.
Shawn won me a little stuffed piggy from betting on the pig races, I had a big delicious corn dog (and didn't puke) and rode a few of the rides that I normally would be very apprehensive about. We were there for practically the entire time it was open. I'm sore all over and my voice is hoarse from screaming, but I'm not bothered. :)

And tonight, finally, after months and months of waiting, is Halloween~. Blake and I (and maybe Shawn) are heading to Danny and Ashley's new place for a party. They have a fire pit in the backyard and live right next door to a cemetery, so it's gonna be pretty sweet. I'm dressing up as Jay (as in, "and Silent Bob") because I'm tired of stressing over costumes year after year. I always end up doing something completely different at the last minute, anyway.

Have some end-of-summer pictures that I've taken way too long to upload from my camera.

Nick being epic.

Abby being the cutest thing on the planet.

Katherine working on TF2 costume stuff. I think.

See what Beth has to put up with?

I'M NOT STONED my allergies were giving me hell.

Yeaaah, I love taking pictures with Tommy. c:

I don't know what that sign means, but I'm sure it could get Danny shot in some places.

This entry needs more dance party.

Jacqueline is the best kind of person.


Yummy brunch at Jacqueline's house. These pictures don't do it justice, but it was a really beautiful day.

God, McCord, please cut your hair. :[

Jacqueline's shitty cat, Momo.

friends, pets, lulz, pictures, cons/events: coastal empire fair, halloween, oh yeah this is awesome, this entry is fucking great

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