
Sep 09, 2009 19:58

Aaah, Glee is good for the soul.

Last time on Glee: Mr. Schuester, the nice guy Spanish teacher who's looking for something a little more fulfilling, revives the glee club much to the chagrin of some of the school's staff (the only real faculty support he gets is from Emma, the guidance counselor), calling it New Directions. Members include wannabe diva Rachel, jock Finn, wheelchair-bound Artie, "I'm Beyoncé, I ain't no Kelly Rowland" Mercedes, effeminate Kurt and stuttering Tina.
The first episode covers rehearsals, a visit to a rival school that puts a real damper on things after a stellar performance of Amy Winehouse's song "Rehab" ("We're d-d-doomed!" as Tina puts it), and surprise news from Mr. Schuester's wife Terri that she's expecting. He submits a letter of resignation to the school and hunts for a job that will rake in more money for his growing family while Rachel nominates herself as the new club president. Mr. Schuester changes his mind about leaving after he sees them perform a rousing rendition of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'."

Let's get on with it, shall we?

I see what you did there, Emma, I see it. "Accidentally" bumping into Mr. Schuester. Clever girl~.

Sue continues to thrill me with her biting wit. "Here, iron pills give you strength while you menstruate." "...I don't menstruate." "Neither do I." I bet she carved out her own uterus with a melon baller.

Ho-hum, Mr. Schuester and Terri are house hunting for their baby, and Terri continues to be a fucking thorn in my side. However, she did have one funny line while showing off the powder pink nursery to Schu: "This will be where our daughter or gay son will sleep." At least she's open-minded?

Quinn, Finn's girlfriend, is great and I'm glad we're going to see more of her in the show. The pilot gives us the impression that she's this hyper-religious shrinking violet. But no! She tries to strike a bargain with Finn. If he quits glee club, he can touch her breasts, under the shirt but over the bra. A girl's got her self-respect, after all.

I gotta say, though, the budding romances aren't. Developing at a steady pace. Yeah, we got hints of it in the pilot, but Rachel and Emma are so head-over-heels in love with their respective companions that it's a bit much. To be honest, I don't get what Rachel sees in Finn other than he's talented and they have good chemistry when they perform. Emma and Schu, on the other hand, seem to have history. And yes, I still ship it. 8D

GOD I WANT TO PUNCH TERRI CAN I PUNCH HER JUST ONCE PLEASE. All she does is bitch about how much she supposedly sacrifices and blah, blah, blaaah. I'm toying with the theory that she's really a succubus in disguise, slowly sapping Schu's will to live by nagging him 24-fucking-7.

Speaking of Schu, he is still awesome as hell. He's been having a hard time getting a steady second job, so he volunteers to moonlight as a janitor for half the salary. Goddamn, he is just... NNNGH the absolute best.

Finn has had a messed up youth. To keep himself from "erupting" when he and Quinn make out, he thinks about the time he hit a mailman when his mom was teaching him to drive. What.

Rachel decides to infiltrate Quinn's celibacy club for I can't remember why. I guess to get close to Finn? Anyway, they have this hilarious exercise at the end of the meeting where boys and girls come together with a balloon betweeen their bodies. I guess it's to train the boys not to get boners and pop the balloon. "If it pops, the sound makes the angels cry." I want to join.

FFF, IF WILL/EMMA DOES NOT HAPPEN AFTER ALL OF THESE ANVIL-SIZED HINTS I WILL HAVE A HERNIA. Emma is so gosh darn adorable. When she was little she dreamed about working on a dairy farm AWWW~!

New Directions needs 12 members to go on to regionals (which means more glee kids!), so they put on an assembly to appeal to the student body. They performed "Push It" by Salt 'N Pepa which was meh, but Kurt slapped Finn's ass and LOL his face was priceless.

EMMA YOU ARE TOO CUTE PLEASE STOP. She's got OCD, I guess, and polishes grapes before she eats them hahaha it's so cute. I know I shouldn't laugh because it can be a debilitating disorder, but Tina stutters okay I'm allowed to be entertained by it. Also, if Coach Tanaka showed his sensitive side more often when pestering Emma for dates I wouldn't find him so repulsive.

Rachel and Finn kiss. Big whoop. I mean come on, writers, you couldn't keep us in suspense for a few more episodes? I was more scandalized by the near-upskirt shot. I COULD SEE THE CREASE OF HER ASS and it was pretty sweet. :]

Gasp! Terri's not preggers! She's got hysterical pregnancy or something. This is just another notch on her Crazy Belt. Someone needs to medicate her before she shoots up a preschool.

The rivalry between glee club and the cheerios (cheerleaders) is heating up. Sue recruits Quinn and two of her pals to infiltrate glee and "take it down from within." Oh shi-

Guh, Emma, what are you doinggg? Don't listen to Coach Tanaka! Don't brush off Schu!! And don't you dare think about taking Tanaka up on his offer of a date at Tulipalooza.

...Huh, maybe Terri's not so bad. She wants Schu to quit being a janitor, that they don't need a big giant house to be happy. But I can see her dragging the pregnancy thing on forever (the sneak peek shows her donning one of those fake baby bellies). She's so insecure about their relationship, it's sad. If she tells him they're not having a kid he won't pay her all that attention anymore. So selfish. B(

I love Rachel's voice, but Kurt, Artie, Mercedes and Tina deserve their time to shine, too. Make it happen, writers!

Overall, second episode was quite good! It's not really up to par with the pilot, but it won't deter me from watching. It's still my favorite new show. ♥~

Ughhh. Got to do laundry, shower and slam the door on my head until I'm tired.

fandom: glee, pseudo-reviews, oh yeah this is awesome, pairing: will/emma, cuteness!

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