
Sep 02, 2009 18:59

A gentle reminder for anyone who might be interested: Glee is airing tonight on Fox at 9PM EST. It's just the pilot, but I'm excited to watch it again. McCord called me last weekend to let me know that he'd watched it on Hulu so we can scream about it together. As far as I know, it's gonna air Wednesday nights with an encore on Fridays, which fits in with my schedule perfectly.

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As an added bonus, here's the Glee cast's version of "Don't Stop Believin'."

I'll edit this later with my impression of the pilot upon a second viewing. o/

I forgot how great the dialogue between Sue and Emma is. "Since when are cheerleaders performers?" "Your resentment is delicious." So excellent. And Emma dresses so cute, I want to raid her closet.

Fff, I love Rachel. She's definitely one of my favorite characters on the show so far. Her actress plays her with just the right balance of manipulative little sneak and vulnerable kid who wants to be recognized as someone special before high school is over and she misses her chance. Plus, she's got an incredible set of pipes.
But as much as I love her, I hope the show doesn't focus exclusively on her and Finn (more on him later). There are other kids in the glee club that are hugely entertaining, like Kurt and Mercedes.

Mr. Schuester is everyone's favorite teacher ever rolled up into one man. He's terrific, though his wife is a complete hag (she is totally Rachel as an adult, they have the same neuroses). I already ship him and Emma so hardcore.

If we don't see a ton of the closeted ex-chorus teacher turned pot dealer I will be very upset. He's so prissy and outrageous and delivers all of his lines so well. He arguably gets a bigger laugh out of me than Sue.

For a jock character, Finn is fleshed out very well. His backstory is a simple one, but it makes him very likable right off the bat. To me, he's the most relatable character.


I love the other kids in the glee club so muuuch. ♥ ♥ ♥ They'd better get episodes to themselves, or extensive flashbacks like Rachel and Finn.

All in all, the pilot's even better than I remember it. I look forward to the next episode with great anticipation.

fandom: glee, sharing is caring and all that shiz, pairing: will/emma, lulz, pseudo-reviews, youtube, oh yeah this is awesome, music

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