
Nov 16, 2008 13:14

I got outta the house for the first time in (what feels like) fucking forever. I was really itching to leave last night because Mom was watching a CNN special about Jonestown and it put me in a bad mood. Alex gave me permission to use his car while mine is out of commission and I spent a few hours with Jacqueline and Katherine, watching Saturday Night Live and the first few episodes of Supernatural. Jacq is so enamored with that show right now. :) We also blew bubbles at Katherine's cats. They are too adorable.

I can't wait until my car's back on it's feet -- wheels? -- again. I hate having to ask my brother and I'm sure he hates me asking him, too. But I've got to get to work somehow, you know? If it wouldn't take me forty-five minutes each way, I'd walk it and that could be my daily exercise.

Ugh. My mom just told me that the kids I used to babysit when I was sixteen are growing like weeds. At the time I started watching them, the oldest girl was around nine. Now she's almost in high school. She wants me to come to church with her sometime to see them, but I think I'd cry if I did. I loved that family like they were my own. ;_;

On a fandom-y note. It's discedo's one year anniversary! To celebrate, we're having a Fourth Wall event, so please come poke Lisa Garland (whitenoisenurse) and Kaneda (blamekaneda) with your RP or personal journals!

under the weather, friends, role play schmole schmay, * discedo, ughhh, fandom: supernatural

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