
Mar 27, 2008 08:24

I caught Ripley drinking out of the toilet this morning. I had no idea cats even did that.

And I decided to go through with my fanart50 prompts and stop whining about how much I suck. I'm going to see it through and not give up simply because I'm in a bad mood.

Prompt six: "What now?" Not colored.

Cross-posted to sh_het. Big pimpin'.

My cold is finally breaking up.

EDIT: While looking for a mug to guzzle green tea out of, I found one in the pantry emblazoned with the Sci Fi Channel logo. No clue where it came from, but it's mine now. >8D

random media, * fanart50, pets, oh yeah this is awesome, * sh_het, fanart/art/doodles

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