
Aug 29, 2008 13:19

I had a dream last night that I was being chased by Resident Evil's Umbrella lackies. Even in my nightmares there's a whimsical quality and I know in the back of my mind that none of it is real, but this was very linear and intense.

They had set up temporary headquarters in this multi-story warehouse or somesuch where they were keeping Krauser and pumping him full of crazy juice. For whatever reason, I was looking for him and politely inquiring around the building as to where he was. They were nice to me at first until I caught on to exactly what they were doing and who they were, then I ran like hell, being pursued by three of their brutish personnel.

There was an apartment complex down the block (or at least close enough to run to within a minute) where I took to laying low in the shadows cast by the trees. Since it was late-ish at night, they had some trouble finding me until two of the three got it in their heads to set patches of the grass on fire to find me. After that, I hid under a car until morning.

Then I woke up.

S'been a while since I've had a dream like this. I'm kind of hoping that there's a continual. I'd like to see where it was going.

This is my last weekend before going back to the grind on Tuesday. Stephen and Beth invited me to their place tomorrow to have one last hurrah before summer ends and September commences.

I have mixed feelings about returning to work. On the one hand, MONEY MONEY MONEY and it's the easiest job I've ever had other than the church nursery. On the other hand, I know there's gonna be bullshit drama to deal with and I am too old and too smart to get caught up in it. Seriously. Anyone who tries to woo me for sympathy when they've pulled a stupid, manipulative trick only to have it come back to bite them in the ass is going to get a harsh reality check. I graduated high school and left all that garbage behind. What about you?

dramuz, dreams/nightmares, fandom: resident evil, ughhh, work

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