
Apr 30, 2008 12:49

I'm amped. I'm so ready for it. I won't have a costume, but I have such high hopes that it's going to be an amazing weekend.

For starters, the location is much, much better than it was last year. Dig it.

Secondly, I'm sharing a car with Jacq, McCord and Shino which means loads of showtunes and bad pop music for the duration. After the first hour, Shino is going to want to off himself with his own DS while the rest of us belt out "Good Morning, Baltimore."

Abby, Katherine and Joe are gonna be in Abby's truck while Tommy, Gayle and two of their friends will be in Tommy's SUV. The teams are as follows:

Jacq, Shino, McCord and myself: Team Gaycon
Abby, Joe and Katherine: Team "Oh Shit" Handle
Tommy, Gayle and their pals whose names escape me: Team Whenever We Get There

I'll also get to see Belinda again and maybe meet up with some discedo people. I'm going to bring seven thousand packs of batteries to capture as much as I can in pictures and video.
_ _ _

For the more serious stuff... I spent five hundred dollars this past month.



Five hundred dollars. And I have an additional two hundred to pay towards fitness camp and the convention in the next few weeks.

I don't know what came over me. I'm usually the biggest penny-pincher around, but little things add up. Out to eat, gas, cigarettes, movies, hospital bill. I've got to dip my wallet in cement so I don't touch it before my twenty-second birthday in July. I want to treat myself to a full-body massage and a facial and that's gonna take a big chunk out of my account.

Save, save, save!

Wednesday meme: Comment here with a secret, a confession, even a love/hate note that you never sent. Anon comments are allowed and IP screening is turned off.

I'm getting around to last week's meme right... wait for it... NOW.

ETA: O YA. Did anyone else see last night's SVU with Robin Williams?

meme, friends, cons/events: jacon, lulz, money, * discedo, ughhh, teevee

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