
May 03, 2011 15:21

Some of you may remember a couple of days ago when I mentioned that I might be moving to Arizona. But now, switch out "might" with "pretty much definitely".

I got Kris, my longtime friend, on the horn last night after emailing her my questions as to what my new home is like and how soon she'd need me. We hadn't chatted like that in many years and it was terrific getting up to old tricks again. At first, I was under the impression that I'd be watching her son 4 or five days out of the week, but that's been knocked down to three since his grandparents enjoy looking after him. It comes as a great relief to me because I'm going to need a job to pay for my cell phone, car insurance and other personal finances; something in the evenings, preferably, so I can sit Damien during the day.

My current biggest obstacle is whether or not my car is up to a 30+ hour drive. Sometime this week I'm going to stop by the local mechanic and ask if he can give me an estimate on how much a tune-up would cost, or if he even thinks it would be worth it. My Mazda is over ten years-old, after all, and I may very well have to leave it behind.

Mom was surprisingly receptive to the news, but now that it seems this is likely to happen in the near future she's starting to get a little more clingy and morose and pulls out phrases like "empty nest". But I refuse to feel bad. I feel utterly stuck here in Georgia while everyone around me is flitting off to better things and bigger opportunities. Here, at last, is my chance to do the same thing and I'm not letting it pass me by. Of course, it's going to kill me to part my family and friends, but I trust them to be understanding and supportive. ♥

this is my room what are you doing here, friends, oh yeah this is awesome, outside my comfort zone, this entry is fucking great, ho-lee crap, family

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