Mar 26, 2003 16:37
So yes I do believe that I am pulling straight D's! Whoooo go Kim its your birthday...yeah but completely not at all in the very least bit. Stupid stupid stupid me. So its hot here and I am not in favor of it getting any hotter. I have to take my math test tomorrow...shall I deviate from the norm and actually do good on this test...I think not after all I am a bonified moron. I don't remember ever being this stupid before...its quite sad. So I'm tired I think I am going to take a nap although it is almost 5 but I really don't care...yeah this is me not caring. Ain't it grand! Oh a lil side note before I go...if you're ever confused about what anything means like at all ever in your life...don't worry about it bc according to Nietzsche there is no truth and our language is just a justification for our own means of don't feel bad if you don't get something...I don't and its okay bc Nietzsche says so!