Jun 03, 2004 17:39
I hate Adelphia with a passion. You know it's bad when the FAQ page for cable is loaded with "why do my rates keep rising?" questions. And why can't you find a freaking price ANYWHERE on the website??? I remember that was the exact reason we went with Comcast instead...because Adelphia did not have readily available pricing information available on its website. Their fancy online "chat-with-a-real-person" service is a crock. I've chatted with SmarterChild enough to know a bot when I see one. A real person did send me a message saying that they'd already answered my question. But if you had, WHY WOULD I HAVE ASKED IT AGAIN?
I have been yoked with a cell phone. I don't know if I like it or not. I lie; actually, I know that I do like it. Before, I didn't think I'd like being in constant touch with the world. Now it's really convienent. Besides, I can turn it off if I need to. You should call me. All of you. It's a 770 number. You'll have to figure out the rest of it yourself, but I'll give you a few clues:
1) The first and last digits are the same.
2) The second digit equals the fifth digit divided by the fourth digit.
3) The sixth digit is greater than the third digit
4) The sum of the digits is 28.
5) The product of the digits (excluding any zeros) is 9072.
Don't blame me if you call a wrong number.
[edit]The above clues are not sufficent. Here's one more:
6) The second digit, fourth digit, fifth digit, and sixth digit are in ascending order.