Ok, so I read this last semester...

Jan 10, 2009 14:40

“I’ve learned since then that the way to do one’s best in such a situation, uncompromised by all the attendant fears, is to pretend that one is playing for one beloved and trusted person who knows better than anyone else in the world how to hear the music. Only then will one give every note the proper measure of sweetness and feeling. Only then will one touch the bow to the strings with the open heart and certainty and commitment required to make the music sing as if this were the first and last time that composition fit for the ears of God would ever be played.”

“A truly good teacher can mean the difference between a happy life and a tragic one. A truly good teacher can see the hidden light in eyes that may seem hooded to the rest of the world and even to him or her who possesses them.”

~"Vivaldi's Virgins" by Barbara Quick

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