Do what you love, and fuck the rest.

Feb 28, 2007 20:52

Life is really boring at FSU this week. Everyone is already on spring break in their minds, and are simply trying to get by academically until they can leave. I have two tests tomorrow which will be manageable, but are the main reason I can't leave earlier. Since I've already studied the hundred notecards (you think I'm crazy, but you try to remember the 12 labors of Herakles including the Erymanthian Boar, Apples of Heripades, and Lerynetian Hind (to name a few)) I made for mythology, I figured I'd take a break and jump on Jaime and Valerie's bandwagon of meaningful posts.

I think I've finally settled down into a major and minor. I'm not going to dual major anymore because it appears to be more benficial for me to get my masters sooner instead of putting it off for another year to finish all my class requirements. I'm going to stick with Economics as a major and minor in Business (it's only 4 extra classes after economics requirements). I just recently talked to my advisor, and she said if I really push myself, I can graduate in Summer of 2008. That seemed a little too soon. I'd rather take my time. I'm gonna draw it out until Spring of '09 and then go straight into the Masters Program for Economics.

This past month has been unreal. I got an email from the volunteer center on campus for this summer program at Georgetown dealing with philanthropy. I randomly checked out the site and saw they also offered a program in comparative political and economic sessions. It seemed like a great oppurtunity because it would be an 8 week summer semester at the university where I would be taking two classes, one in economics and one in politics, along with another class that would give me credit for an internship I would be matched up with once I was accepted. It was definetely expensive so I asked my parents if they were willing to finance it if I got accepted. They were both very impressed by the program and agreed, so I applied. The application was SO LONG. Two recommendation letters, two personal essays, financial information for scholarships, a scholarship essay, resume, and personal information. It was a lot of work to put together in a week. I figured the chances I'd get in were slim, and the chances I'd get a scholarship big enough that my parents would let me go was even more slim, so I didn't think much about it after finishing the application.

Two weeks ago I found out I got in, and that I recieved a $1500 scholarship. My parents are letting me go, I've officially enrolled, and am currently awaiting an internship placement.

What did I just get myself into?

So now I am off to Washington, DC on June 9th and will not return until August 4th. I don't know anyone who will be there, I'm not allowed to have a car, and I've never even drove through Washington, DC in my life (and yes, I'm still bitter about being one of the only two students not allowed to go to DC in elementary school on the gifted field trip, lol). I have class from 8-10 am two days a week, followed by interning from 11-5, and then another class from about 7-9. On days I don't have class in the morning, I'm expected to intern from 9-5.

Seriously, what did I get myself into?

To be perfectly honest, I'm so excited about going. I think it will be an amazing experience, and the hardest thing personally that I have ever done. I will be away from any family or friends for 8 weeks, and even though that was the case going to FSU, I still had a few people I knew, my sister, and I could come home easily for a weekend if needed. The work load and hours will be really intense, but I know I can do it. I'll manage. I'll meet new people and adapt soon enough. It will be worth it =)

I suppose I'm having the whole "coming into my own" experience that everyone else seems to be hinting at. And as cliche as it is, it feels great.

Our course search for Fall went up on Monday. I've already figured out my schedule (which is a good thing because I register on March 12).

Honors Fundamentals of Speech (With Ziegler!) MWF (3 credits)
Honors Calculus with Trig 1 MTR (4 credits)
Personal Finance TR (3 Credits)
Economic Forecasting TR (3 Credits)
Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory TR (3 Credits)

I always seem to take 16 credits. But after this Fall I will only need 4 more honors credit hours, 3 business electives, 3 economic electives, 2 core economics courses, and any math will apparently help GREATLY in graduate school.

I had an awesome weekend with Sarah and Erin this past week. It was nice that they could come up and visit me for a change. I like hosting people =)

I miss Eric, but will be home soon to see him. Things are going well as usual. We've been together for over 5 months now, and I'm content =)

Alright, I'm gonna wrap this up. Lost is coming on soon. I hope you all are having amazing experiences at your respective schools. I'm sad my spring break is a week before everyone else's, but at least I will have time for my family. I think I've neglected them a bit lately.

PS- To answer Valerie's question I have not gotten drunk, high, an abortion, failed a class or burned down a building. I did skip one of my classes twice this semester, but that's all. My classes are actually fairly enjoyable.

PPS- My Short Story teacher is EXACTLY like Devin. It is driving me slightly crazy. No offense Devin =D
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