Jul 27, 2006 21:09
in the living room of my condo (which I share with a small Australian man) are made almost entirely of windows looking out over a valley, where mountains rise up on the other side. It is dark and storming. The lightening is so bright it lights the room, and the pounding rain is deafening. Today is my birthday. But what is that? Just another day. I only wish I could have practiced. I woke up at 2am shivering. Turned the heat up, piled on the blankets. An hour later the heat was off, all the windows wide open, blankets on the floor. I was hot. Since then I have been suffering from disgusting fevers (constantly chased by tylenol and a swig of water), and, well, the flu. In July? On my BIRTHDAY? Come on, that is just not fair. Well, I decided I could handle it. But I couldn't handle not practicing. So I made a feeble attempt at the piano. Got on the bus to school, found a practice room, stumbled through a few measures of Mozart, sighed, got on a bus, came home, ate a piece of toast, went to bed. The day would have been 100% miserable if it weren't for Kevin-- who baked me a cake with chocolate frosting (which I unfortunately did not eat much of) and presented me with a gift in a light green box (There's more, he says, it's just not here yet).
To make myself feel better I bought my sister a plane ticket to Colorado for a week in August. I got her the same flight home that I have. Sitting right next to each other.