May 03, 2007 22:43
Funny how things come to you when you least expect them.
I know how to get over my anxiety around guys - or at least make it easier for me when I'm close to them: dance with them!
Liz and V and Jeremiah and I were at the union and Liz saw the swing dancing club out on the mall doing their biweekly dance thing, and we went over to check it out. Having really no idea how to swing except for the goofing around that my sister and I did when we were younger (and at dances with friends when I got older) and some musical theater training - it was kind of scary - but they started us at the beginning, and let us go from there. I danced with a few guys, and didn't flinch nearly as bad as I normally do (some, I didn't flinch at all - and actually felt quite comfortable, even being so close!).
(does a little dance)
I win!