Mar 08, 2009 21:35
yes, sadness.
it's been almost a year since my dad died.
i can't stop thinking about the way things were this time last year.
my dad didn't look or act super sick but he was.
during last year's spring break, my parents went on a cruise with their friends.
i'm so glad he got to do that because a week later he had to go to the hospital.
this is when i was in boston. i remember my mom calling me crying and saying he took a turn for the worse.
the next day, i found out that when he came home, they were going to have to set up hospice for him.
and that's when i really knew that he was really going to die.
the chamber choir/chorale concert today was amazing.
the theme was 'life, death & beyond'. this is what brought up all this feeling in me.
it was seriously a spiritual experience for me...i was almost in tears most of the time.
ESPECIALLY during uriah's solo. holy shit. so amazing. and so perfect for him too.
it was great. and it was great hanging out and talking with shannon after too.
party on friday night was ridiculous and fun.
there's pics up.
so yeahhh. i got off the phone with sarah & lauren a little while ago. i called sarah because i was really sad and she & lauren made me feel better. they were talking about barnaby and sarah's new kitty, juliet and how they were staring each other down and stuff. it made me laugh so much and that's what i needed.
i have really strong female friends now and it's amazing. mainly sarah, caroline & shannon.
they can always make me feel better.
love 'em.
okies. i'm gonna watch khloe kardashian go to jail on 'keeping up with the kardashians'. ha.