Mar 05, 2007 18:34
Twiddling around for 2 and a half days in East Lansing between Big Ten tournaments, I was bound to come here sooner or later to write down some thoughts. I was hoping it wouldn't be so soon, but such is life.
Indy's a good time, but I found myself not minding just chilling in the hotel room for hours at a time, even though I had the opportunity to hang out with a lot of different people. Of course, so much of the downtown area is closed to me for another year, even if I did want to go exploring...but that's not really an excuse for being lazy.
On the plus side, both Big Ten tournaments will be there for the rest of my undergrad time, so I'll have time to get familiar with it later. I have to be sure not to make the same mistake in the next few days with Chicago.
And now that I have all this time to myself, I want nothing more than to hang out and chat with someone else. Figures it would work that way, and I hope it's not a symptom of just wanting what I don't have. It may just be that with so much time to sit and contemplate myself, I'm going to go just a bit crazy. But this is what I accepted when I decided to stay in the area for spring break instead of going home, so hopefully I can come out on the other end of this as sane as I was at the start, at least.
I'll still be happier when break is over, most likely.