Stalking is illegal. pianoflora confronts general_hero.
general_hero is stalking pianoflorageneral_hero's REAL name :Brinda Fulchergeneral_hero's REAL DOB :23rd December 1989Height :160 cmWeight : 64.0 kggeneral_hero has dreamt about you : 13 times general_hero became interested in you : 15th October 2005general_hero's latest dream about you general_hero wakes up in the middle of the night to the sight of you by the bed with your firm buttocks waggling jovially in your new stalkers face.This is how general_hero describes your relationship behind your back 'I hate her. I lost 12 months of my life thanks to pianoflora. And now it's fucking payback time.'general_hero's been stealing stuff from your house too. Your cat didn't run away pianoflora, general_hero is holding it captive!They've even started modifying their body for you In a night of sheer angst general_hero carved 'pianoflora' into their forehead with a set of bakers tongs.They sent the following message to you in a Valentines Hold me my sweet angel and I shall forever be faithful. Well until you get old and ugly of course. Then it'll be a completely different matter.
The Police No. calls to the police : 27 timesYour Last Call to The Police "Hi, is that the police? This is pianoflora, could you send someone over quick, a mad fucker by the name of general_hero is trying to knock my front door down with an axe."general_hero's Police File When it comes to heartless thugs there aren't many criminals who would top the list ahead of general_hero.
Testimonies about general_hero
seniorfldagent - Worn out Musician
'It just goes to show that the world is full of sick, twisted perverts. I'm gonna fucking kill general_hero!'
thisvisionthing - Balding slut
'You think you know a person and then something like this comes out of the blue. Fuck that, I'm becoming a recluse.'
patheticx100 - Nosy old hen
'Fucks sake! general_hero's been stitched up, that pianoflora has always been a right scheming fucker. It's a disgrace.'
allisrotten - Fathers goats
'I use the word cunt sparingly - it's more effective that way. I've spent all morning texting general_hero, with that word playing a key role in most of my messages.'
All of the people who came to my defense are so vulgar! I mean, I appreciate it, but come on!