Continuing Sickness Through LHS Band Concert

Dec 08, 2005 21:35

I feel absolutely miserable right now. Sure, the concert went great: jazz band was a success, the ensembles got the audience singin' along, and the symphonic band was pretty righteous, but all the while my sickness has been lingering in my body the whole day. I have a horrible soar throat, a mild headache, and before I left for the concert I had a fever of 101.2. I've taken everything that seems fathomable: Robitussin, Advil, Rolaids Chewable Tablets, Tic-Tacs (only as temporary throat relievers), and cough drops. I don't know why it's not making me feel better. Isn't that what medicine is supposed to do?

Before now, I hadn't been sick for--oh wow, I think it's been over two years. Is that even possible? I must have been sick more than that, but the only time I can remember is in October 2003 when during the fall break I was sick the whole first week with a throat virus. It seems like for the past two years I've been immune to getting sick, which is pretty awesome. But then karma must have nipped me in the butt because of the most random time to get sick, it started occurring yesterday during fourth period. During the holiday season--like now--it is awful to be sick.

My sickness resulted in sleeping from 9:15 PM - 10:15 AM this morning. Even that thirteen hours of sleep didn't make me feel any better. I was upset that I had to miss first and second period, because I really needed to do some stuff in those classes, and a test in Spanish, but all I could do was savor the rest of the day. I probably should have stayed home, but I took a shower, got all ready and headed to school around 11:30 AM. I made it in time for third period in which I had to write an essay that took the whole period. It was exhausting, but at least I got that over wtih.

In the midst of all these other things to worry about--fever, cough, stuffy nose--I had almost completely lost my voice. Whenever I didn't talk in a whisper, I sounded like a gremlin. I wasn't feeling much better during fourth period jazz band, but the least I could do was drink water and take the Tic Tacs. After school we had a little bit of a rehearsal for the jazz band, and just around then I was feeling really sick and it was painful to cough. I had my mom pick me up around four o'clock. I arrived at home shortly after that and slept for about an hour. Then it was time for the concert.

The only food I've had today is a mini-applesauce serving, a bowl of soup, and a "Boost" drink. That's it for the whole day. Being sick does funny things to your appetite. I got to school around 6:30 PM and everyone was getting ready. To make a long story short, the first two songs we played sounded pretty good. Kristen took the next song on the piano, and Kaite finished it off with the last two. I felt helpful so I assisted everyone in the setting up of chairs and stands on the stage. After the brief intermission, a combined symphonic / concert band performed; I got some pictures and videos, and the concert finished around 8:45 PM.

I lingered around a bit and put some of the chairs and stands away, changed in a practice room, and got back to the car around 9:15 PM. I felt so guilty for making my mom wait so long. Nothing I can do about it now.

As for right now, it's nearing ten o'clock, so I'm going to brush my teeth and get to bed. I don't have to go to zero period tomorrow, so I'm able to sleep in until seven o'clock. I really hope I will feel better tomorrow; I have so much I'd like to catch up on, if only I could.


tired, sick, jazz_band, concert, food, school

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