Laptop's been effing up lately. It's been shutting down in mid-type, so a few entries have been lost since the drafts weren't saved properly. I may do another system recovery, but that may not help it. Should help it, because it'll take out the bugs, but we'll see.
I copied about 2.7 GB of information to my external hard drive which I installed this afternoon. That means that if my laptop suddenly blew up into a fiery inferno, I'd be cool about it. I also really think I'm going to ask for a laptop for my birthday/Christmas [11-16 & 12-25].
I may regret doing this now, but this is a list of the programs that would be necessary to install after a recovery:
- Maxtor external hard drive (disc)
- Zen Micro software/Creative MediaSource (disc)
- Epson printer software/drivers (disc)
- Microsoft Word 2000 (disc)
- AIM (app)
- Semagic (app)
- Mozilla Firefox (app)
- Limewire (app; optional)
- LJ Comment Stats Wizard (app; optional)
That's virtually it, though. Before, I had a whole ton of programs. Now, only the ones listed above are programs I actively use. Once I do the recovery--and this is another reason I'm wanting to do it--I can use Adobe Photoshop with their trial version from or from my application I already have. I'll find some way. Until then, I have some other things to do. Take care, everyone.