Apr 04, 2005 00:24
Just so my friends who I don't see often know, I am in fact, not dead. I know I haven't updated since February 8th, but what can i say? It's not because life has been boring, it most certainly has been an eventful month and a half, I just haven't taken the time to fill yall in. So here come the major points you've missed:
1. I am no longer in the single-girls club. Yes, I have a wonderful boyfriend the second time around. Thomas makes me happy :-D
2. Come and see West Side Story at ASU in Farthing auditorium April 14-17! I play Teresita. No lines, sorry, but the dancing is "eye candy." hehe
3. I went to my first, and probably last club over Spring break. It was fun to go to club oxygen with the girls. But my curiosity is satisfied.
4. Four weeks left of Sophomore year! (did i spell sophomore right???) Yes, in four short weeks, I will be halfway through college. Time flies when you're having fun...
5. Minor change~ I have changed my minor from Spanish to Gerontology. I figure it's better to learn to speak a language by immersion rather than in a desk. Plus I want to work with old people.
6. Mission trip this summer! Yeah. I am going to Honduras with Raleigh church of Christ. I am muy muy excited. One minor problem: when trying to get my passport, I discovered that according to the state of Massachusetts, I am not born. Surprised? Me too. I look born to me... Anyhow, I'll have to get an official birth certificate and hopefully figure that thing out.
Last thing ~ here's a cool quote I found:
“Rather let your heart be without words than your words without heart.”
Goodnight ;)