Shall dust repeat thy praises

Oct 27, 2006 13:04

I am officially caring less and less about school by the day. Thank God for 4 weeks left.

Paul Goodloe was humming a hymn tune yesterday and I was intrigued to find out what it was (he didn't know), so we looked it up and found it, "O Lord by Thee Delivered." Thought it was cool that I could embed it here so I did.

Well, I couldn't embed it but you can click on this link. Don't know why it won't work. BAH.

And verse 1 goes:
O Lord, by thee delivered,
I thee with songs extol;
My foes thou hast not suffered
To glory o'er my fall.
O Lord, my God, I sought thee,
And thou didst heal and save;
Thou, Lord, from death didst ransom
And keep me from the grave.

It is from the Trinity Hymnal, #526.

You probably don't care. That is ok. It was purely for my own amusement.

I'd like to shout-out to Asher and Andrew McC for teaching me to use a pipe... I tried it last night and the bowl lasted me probably an HOUR. And it was much more pimp than cigars. I feel like a theologian when I smoke, and Paul confirmed that I looked this way too. Word.
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