Jan 19, 2007 19:44
I haven't done too good a job copying my myspace blog onto here, so here's the last two, starting with the earlier.
Another Weather Event Jan. 12
31.8 degrees, raining. You know what that means. The light poles and the deciduous tree were the first to show signs of icing over. Around 3:30 the sound of the rain changed, meaning ice was on the way, soon. I am all too familiar with the sound of regular rain, so I can easily tell when it isn't "normal" anymore. So far the sidewalks and streets seem to be holding out, barely. Way too many people left the safety of the buildings tonight. I sure hope they make it home before everything becomes an ice rink out there. By the looks of it, there may not be much time left before at least the sidewalkd around hear start freezing up solid. Ice is visible on the grass and on the sides of the light poles, including the wooden ones. Tomorrow should be an interresting day. How on earth am I getting to the pratice rooms? The ever-so-small slope down from the main sidewalk to the door suddenly grows into an ordeal when it is so terribly slick. On a normal day I would call it unnoticable. Good thing my crock pot got here today. Tonight I had brown rice that I cooked in it, beef jerky, a banana and an orange. A very nice supper I should say. I now have a can opener so I can eat tuna fish, plain, tomorrow. If we can't walk anywhere, no problem, I have more rice than I could eat in a few days, eight cans of tuna fish, two bags of beef jerky. All I'm missing is the fruits and vegetables. Fortunately, one can live without those for a short time if necessary. Should have thought of slipping a few extra oranges in my purse, rats. Maybe they'll dust the walkways with salt or (snicker) kitty litter They say it makes the best traction, LOL
At last, I update Jan. 19
So, the power went out last Friday night. Lots of lines down all over the city, like, tons of them. Also tons of transformers went out too. Most of the city was out, crazy. Saturday I left with my roomate and her boyfriend for his aunt's house. She has a fireplace, so we stayed there until tuesday. We managed to slow heat some food over the fireplace, bake potatoes in the fireplace and bake chicken in the fireplace. But basically, it was really boring after a while. There were two dogs, I can't stand dogs. It was really grose, every surface I touched was contaminated with dog, EWWW! Then of course I had to sleep with my face inches from where a dog's you know what might have been. I need not rant any longer, you know where this is going.
Basically, all over the city, hardly a tree went undamaged by the ice. We could hear them snap, even saw half a neighbors tree break off. These deciduous trees have brances that point up, from the trunk, they make a "v" like shape pointing up. So, when they get weighted down, it snaps at the trunk, sometimes even splitting the trunk itself. Some trees actually are no more. I saw more than one literally reduced to a stump by the ice.